Big Bang theory also referred to as Modern “Genesis” retired the Biblical Genesis because the American social Darwinist and a New Ager John Fiske imparted to the enthusiastic audiences his conviction that the political genius of Aryan peoples was the hope of the world. According to this Aryan “Genesis”, we are bundles of atoms i.e. bundles of energy at the quantum level, and bundles of energy consist of 99.99999% empty space. We are all transparent, so to say and can pass through a closed door.
In the beginning was the Word (John 1:1)
The Universe does not grow out of Spirit and Matter – two separate conceptions – it is an evolution from Spirit-Matter, or the One with a dual aspect. You find H.P. Blavatsky laying a great stress on this fundamental unity which yet becomes dual in manifestation, Spirit-Matter, Purusha-Pradhana. Pradhana, which is the essence of Matter, Purusha, which is the essence of Spirit; when these disappear, the form of Vishnu that is Time remains. Fohat underlies all forces, and by it the force of electricity is generated.
With this there comes Sound. You cannot have motion in matter without generating vibration; and all vibration is changeable into Sound, transmutable into Sound; and the old phrase that the Serpent glides hissing though Space carries with it a very real signification. Therefore is it that the first property generated in Akasha is Sound – the Word, the Logos; the whole universe is but the uttering of the Word which is latent in the unmanifested Logos; it is this spoken word which is the objective Kosmos. Sound without which form cannot be, Sound which is the builder of the form, which generates form, every sound having its own form, every sound being of this triple character, that it generates form, and it upholds form, that it destroys form. Thus once again, the Trimurti appears, the Creator, the Preserver, the Destroyer; they are all one in different aspects, for the Divine is One, whatever the form of its manifestation.
According to Popcak the answer to Deepak Chopra’s question“Does God have orgasms?” is “Absolutely yes. My own faith tradition teaches that God is a lover and that the cosmological orgasm physicists refer to as the Big Bang... is the model for human sexuality. Who wouldn’t give their eye teeth for a night like that with their beloved?”
A few years ago, Father George Coyne, head of the Vatican Observatory Research Group suggested that we might view stars as God's sperm, which is the basic teaching of the Aryan cosmogony. In the Hindu Myth when the desire arose in it (i.e. in the sun god in the shape of linga (phallus) and BANG! The “creation” or rather emanation or emission (ejaculation) of semen followed. The Christian heretic Justin who envisaged Jesus as ever-existent “seed-sowing Reason” believed that the good God was an erect phallus, like Shiva (Hippolytus, Refutation 5.7.21-22).
Well, Jesus’ saying, Verily I say unto you, That the pimps (publicans) and the prostitutes (harlots) go into the Kingdom of God before you (Mt 21:31) should be read in this context.
In old chronicles syphilis was called “Canonical Flu”. Well, it was Pope Boniface VIII (1294-1303) who forbade priests to keep butcher shops, brothels, and to serve as go-betweens for prostitutes. John Paul II made sure, when it came time to clean the “Last Judgment”, that the restorers removed about half the leggings, breech, cloth, and other draping with which the Curia had hidden Michelangelo’s Bacchic nudes, years after the painting had been completed. Recall that in the Renaissance period Rome was called Coda Mundi, the world’s anus by those who deplored the mercenariness of its clergy and the number of prostitutes who felt absolved by the nudities of “holy” icons. This pornocracy initiated by one of the early Popes endures.
Cross and Big Bang
Regardless of the swastika’s configuration, i.e. right-angled (embraced by the Nazis) or left-angled (as on the chest of Buddha statue in Hong Kong), the symbol’s significance does not suffer; it merely indicates two opposing principles, evolution and dissolution.
The Hindus believe that the universe periodically dissolves (Cp. Big Bang’s contraction) and is then “re-created” (cp. Big Bang’s expansion). The period between dissolution and “re-creation” is known as “Pralaya”, a time of rest between creative periods. A period of creativity is called “Manvantara” and both periods constitute a “Kalpa” or a cycle of “creation.” The dissolutionary process has been labeled by Western cosmologists as “the big crunch”. The entire creative process is again more descriptively labeled by the Hindus as “the breathing out of Brahma” while the dissolutionary process is seen as “the breathing in of Brahma”. This cyclic process of cosmic, periodic, involution, evolution and dissolution is symbolized by the forward and backward movement of the cross.
The ancient Vedic seers described the original cosmic creative process as “the churning of the milky ocean” whereby fields of subtle substance become condensed into gross matter; a view that is now widely accepted today in energy-field physics research. The Brownian movement is also a miniature replica of “the churning of the milky ocean.” This “churning” is represented geometrically in Tantric ritual as a four armed cross within a circle and the cross is meant to be imagined as oscillating backwards and forwards as in a churning motion. The forward movement marked by right-angled break of the arms of the cross, and thus forming a swastika, is towards evolution while the left-angled break marks movement towards dissolution. The circle represents the universe in its potential un-manifested state prior to creation and is called in Hinduism “Brahmanda”.
How Cross was transformed into Swastika
Passing back over the millenniums down through them all into still older ruins of a civilization that has left no trace, save in these deep buried records; even there you shall find a Cross marked on pottery that has long outlasted the very bones of thy people that made it; for the pottery, found beside little heaps of dust that vanish when the tomb is opened, has graven on it the symbol of the Cross, and buried by the side of the dead conveys its own sacred signification. Go back as far as you will into the antiquities of this - the most ancient of all lands so far as the Fifth Race of man is concerned - there is no place where you will not find this symbol; in the most ancient of the Scriptures you will find the Cross, representing, in later times, the circle of the horizon, representing farther back the form of Vishnu, which is Time. The circle symbolizes Time unending, and within it a Cross on which lie all Gods, all Rishis, all Suns and all Stars, everything which is in the manifested universe. Go farther back, before the Fifth Race is born - back into those times of which no record remains, save in the hands of the Initiates themselves - here and there is a rock of which they only can explain the meaning, and on these rocks, deep graven, there still is found the figure of the Cross.
Jesus answered, Verily, Verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of
Water and of the Spirit (=Fire, like in the cloven tongues of Fire which sat on Apostles' heads
(Acts 2:3) he cannot enter into the Kingdom of god. John (3:5)
It was in the circle always in the oldest records; in later times the circle has fallen away from it, and the Cross, losing the circle, became degraded from its loftiest significance. Always the symbol has its highest meaning in the Spirit; and from the spiritual sphere it comes downward into outer manifestation and finds a second explanation in the stars which are the outer forms of the great Intelligences, by which the Kosmos moves; and then lower still it falls, until it comes down to man, and then it becomes more degraded in its latest phallic signification, polluted by the impure thoughts that flow to it from the mind in man. Take then the circle, and in its earliest significance it stands for that Boundless Existence which, coming into manifestation, circumscribes Itself. First, we have been taught of a circle of light bounded by darkness which has no limit; and the circle of light is the beginning of the manifested Kosmos. Thus we found in studying light that first we had light without form, and then later form came as the visible side of the manifestation; and the circle in its earliest significance means manifestation, therefore limitation, the beginning of things. The Cross which, as the next stage, divides it is that fire which, flashing from the centre outwards, makes two diameters, gives active life within this circle of the universe, and makes possible the evolution which from the centre is gradually to proceed. At first, one line of the Cross is the line drawn in both directions by the light of the Logos from the centre outwards to the circumference - that light of the Logos that I spoke of in the second lecture, as shining out from the dual Logos, from that which we saw as Fire and Water, that which is Spirit-Matter, shining out from the centre which is the unmanifested Logos; this, passing outwards to the circumference, divides the circle first into two and then into four. It is this line of light starting from the point, passing outwards in the four directions, that traces the first Cross in manifestation, the symbol of the division into Spirit and Matter.Then coming down a little further and recognizing this division of Spirit and Matter, there is the generation of the Kosmos, which is symbolized by the revolution of the Cross, so that the Cross is no longer two straight lines, but to each arm of the Cross there is attached a part of the circle of manifestation, and you get the ancient Swastika, which gives not only the idea of division, but also the idea of revolution. In the Swastika, with the limbs turned, there is a suggestion of the circle as well as of the Cross, but no longer of the circle set and steady, but of the circle revolving, having therefore become a generating force of life. ! (Annie Besant. Building of the Cosmos –
In the Egyptian religion you will find the Cross and the circle changed in appearance. The Cross is no longer the Cross which is traced on the circle of Time, with its two arms of equal length. It has become the letter T with one arm below the other, and instead of being within the circle of Time, the circle has gone outside it and rests on the top of the Tau. The circle is no longer Time, it stands for the female principle. In other words the cross in the Egyptian religion regained its orginal Aryan symbolism, that of Shivalinga.
To this day, Shiva is worshiped in the image of his organ of procreation, often alone, and frequently conjoined with the corresponding female organ, which is sculpted to receive Siva's seed.
This representation of Shiva is known as the lingam. The word lingam literally means a 'sign' or distinguishing mark. Thu says the Linga Purana: “The distinctive sign by which one can recognize the nature of something is called lingam.” Primarily, the glowing, flaming linga was a pillar of fire, connecting heaven and earth.
In Vedic hyms, Rudra (an epithet for Shiva) is identified with Agni, who in these sacred texts is deified as the carrier of the sacrificial offerings to the gods for whom they are intended. Hence, Agni is the mediator between men and gods, and acts as a metaphysical bridge between the two, just like the cosmic linga. A pertinent observation here is that every creative process is accompanied by the generation of heat. Indeed the sexual act is nothing but the offering of the seed of life into the sacred fire of love. Hence, Agni, the God of Fire, is eminently suited as a metaphoric emblem of the tejas (creative heat) of Shiva.
In his aniconic form Shiva is visualized as the cosmic pillar. Yet this pillar also evokes his phallus. As an abstract shape, the pillar symbolizes a purely conceptual reality that cannot be sensed in material terms. Visually however, the shape of the cylindrical pillar with a rounded top resembles that of the phallus. Also when the time came for Shiva to reveal himself to both Brahma and Vishnu, he did so in the form of a linga. Hence the linga is an object of the greatest sanctity, more sacred than any anthropomorphic image of Shiva. Not surprisingly thus, the innermost sanctuary of all Shiva temples is reserved for the linga, while the outer precincts of the sacred architecture may show him in his human form. Indeed, though his iconic images abound, no such image ever occupies the center of attention in a Shiva temple, this honor being reserved exclusively for his linga.
In Stoic philosophy, which began with Zeno of Citium c. 300 BCE, the logos was the active reason pervading the universe and animating it. It was conceived of as material, and is usually identified with God or Nature. The Stoics also referred to the seminal logos, ("logos spermatikos") or the law of generation in the universe, which was the principle of the active reason working in inanimate matter. Humans, too, each possess a portion of the divine logos. The Egyptian god Atum creates the world by masturbating. The texts say that the god ejaculated (BANG) to his mouth and simultaneously spat creatively. We have here combination of phallus and mouth that points to logos spermatikos.Stoic philosophers identified their creative logos with Hermes, so that the special doctrine of the logos spermatikos takes on a phallic connotation. Justin adopted the Stoic doctrine of the “seed of God, the Word.” that impregnated the virgin in order to become something physical or “flesh” (Apology, 32). Hermes was worshiped by the name of Phales, derived from Phalos and in the image of phallic stone (M. Eliade, Encyclopedia of Religions, entry phallus). Justin was executed for his teaching, but at the same time he was recognized a Martyr. The god Atum's Martyr!
In other words, the swastika or Fylfot Cross is derived from the sun wheel (a cross within a circle) by breaking the circumference of the circle (Rudolfph Koch, The Book of Signs.1955, p.18) Because the universe is seen as evolving from the central Sun, the point (puru), the ever-congealed germ. The lotus flower, represented as growing out of Vishnu’s navel is the most graphic allegory of this process ever made. In chapter LXXXI of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, called “Transformation into the Lotus,” a head emerging from this flower, the god exclaims: “I am the pure lotus, emerging from the Luminous one…I carry the messages of Horus. I am the pure lotus which comes from the Solar Fields…”
The Hindu Big bang was well-known to ancient Romans which is confirmed by the two “pralaya” swastikas (i.e. right-angled and left-angled swastikas) on a Roman tombstone from Spain. (See picture in: Prudence Jones and Nigel Pennick a History of Pagan Europe. London and New York 1955, p. 55) This tombstone which simply expresses the philosophical idea of resurrection inspired father Le Maitre with his idea of Big Bang which he brought to the New World. America embraced the Big Bang the same as it earlier embraced Copernican heliocentrism after Father Settele, a professor of astronomy in Rome and Washington. proclaimed it as a fact. We see the same inspiration in the icon of Jesus Christ in a painting of the descent from the cross in the church of Rennes-les-Bains, the crown of thorns has been given the appearance of a gigantic spider.
The spider belongs to the mythological lore of the Brahmins who assert, that the world arose from the infinite spider, who spun the whole complicated mass from his bowels, and annihilates afterwards the whole or any part of it, by absorbing it again, and resolving it into his own essence.
For the life of Brahman is not as the life of man. His life, as it were, includes the infinite lives that it generates, and each of these is but the wink of an eye to that life which is eternal; and though as he out-breathes he breathes out the flames, and though as he in-breathes he breathes the flames in once more, still to him it is but as the wink of an eyelid; and what to us is millions of years is to him but the shortest space that we can imagine. What from the standpoint can be Nirvana, or separation of consciousness? What from that standpoint can mean our words of Manvantara and Pralaya? It is the infinite Fire sending out its flames into space and gathering them back into its bosom again, and again sending them out in ceaseless undulations.
The Same Motif in the Babylonian Cosmology:
The Sun Impels them Forward, then Draws them Back
“From astronomical speculations the Chaldeans had deduced a whole system of religious dogmas. The sun, set in the midst of the superimposed planets, regulates their harmonious movements. As its heat impels them forward, then draws them back, it is constantly influencing, according to its various aspects, the direction of their course and their action upon the earth. Fiery heart of the world, it vivifies the whole of this great organism, and as the stars obey its command, it reigns supreme over the universe. The radiance of its splendor illuminates the divine immensity of the heavens, but at the same time in its brilliance there is intelligence (therefore Copernicus called the Sun, Reason of the World – rp); it is the origin of all reason, and, as a tireless sower it scatters unceasingly on the world below the seeds of a harvest of souls. Our brief life is but a particular form of the universal life…This coherent and magnificent theology, founded upon the discoveries of ancient astronomy in its zenith, gradually imposed on mankind the cult of the “Invincible Sun” as the master of all nature, creator and preserver of men.” (Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans).
Expansion and Contraction of Big Bang in Greek Mythology
The fact that the universe presents itself as both a unity and multiplicity suggests that it really is both one and many at the same time. Interestingly, this cosmological approach is implicitly reflected in the sacred symbolism of Delphi, the central Greek shrine where both Apollo and Dionysus have “an equal share.” (Plutarch, The E at Delphi 388E) That is because, in Greek theology, Apollo represents the principle of unity and Dionysus represents the principle of multiplicity. Apollo is “recollection”, the return movement of multiplicity towards divine unity, while Dionysus is “manifestation”, the first movement of unity towards divine multiplicity. As Neo-Platonist Proclus observes, “To divide and produce wholes into parts, and to preside over the distribution of forms, is Dionysiacal; but to perfect all things harmonically, is Apolloniacal” (Proclus, Commentaries on the Timaeus of Plato, II, p. 77). As one philosopher neatly summed up the matter, “When Dionysus had projected his reflection in the mirror, he followed it and was thus scattered over the universe. Apollo gathers him and brings him back to heaven, for he is the purifying God and truly the Saviour of Dionysos.” What Abbé Lemaître referred to as “the moment of creation” when the universe was at its smallest size, Pythagoras, the originator of the classical heliocentrism called monad indicating that it is both a primeval Unity and apart (monas) from all other things, transcending time, space, and the multiplicity of the phenomenal world. The same idea is behind the expanding and contracting point of Big Bang hypothesis. Behind this perverted science lies the Pythagorean dogma proclaiming that extended physical bodies are composed of nonextended mathematical points. Accordingly, Zeno argued that everything in the universe is both infinitely large and has no size at all. The infinite divisibility of any physical body regardless of size means that it is composed of an infinite number of elements and thus is infinitely large. On the other hand, the body has no size at all because no number of nonextended units can produce an extended body. The ancient Greeks referred to the whole process as Logos, the same Logos which in the Gospel of John creates the whole universe and sends the God of the Bible into retirement.
Plato's Big Bang: Broken Apart and Reassembled
Plato's Timaeus contains a very detailed discussion of virtually all aspects of physical existence, including biology, cosmology, geography, chemistry, physics, psychological perceptions, etc., all expressed in terms of these four basic elements and their transmutations from one into another by means of the constituent triangles being broken apart and re-assembled into other forms according to the dogma of Eternal Recurrence in Cyclical Time. (Newton's comments about the “sides” of light particles are very reminiscent of Plato's language in Timaeus (Platonic Solids and Plato's Theory of Everything
The frontispiece of the book The Migration of Symbols by Count Goblet d’Alviella is a representation of Apollo, from a vase in the Kunsthistorisches Museum of Vienna; on the middle of Apollo’s breast there is a large and prominent swastika. In other words, the Greeks, like the Brahmins, regarded their sun god Helios, or Apollo as a chakravartin, a supreme ruler who ruled the four quarters of the world. According to quite a few websites this god failed NASA miserably; he never landed on the moon. Rather he was faking the whole show in a secret military base in the Nevada desert, the so-called area 51. On the chest of a giant Buddha Statue in Hong Kong a left-angled swastika is displayed proclaiming that the world is in the process of dissolution...
Thinking Atoms or, Cogito ergo sum or Descartes's Material God (Spirit-Matter)
Parmenides pictures himself as the philosopher traveling along the road leading from the palace of Night to the palace of Day where he is introduced to the goddess of light. (Liberty Statue) He is told by the goddess that he will be given the knowledge of all things. The positive truth she tells him, is that “Being is” and “Non-Being is not”; it is therefore wrong to believe that “Being is not, and non-Being must be.” The goddess says that thinking and being are one and the same. It would follow that what cannot be thought cannot be. Non being cannot be thought and, hence, cannot be. Being is one. It suffers no alterations. It cannot be thought to come to be (Because then it would not have been “being”; it is void of beginning, without any ceasing. Conversely, Non being cannot, by definition, come to be. The goddess warns Parmenides to avoid the error of believing like Heraclitus that being and Non being equally exist. Plato insisted that non-being is itself a form of being. The character of being is, therefore, that it is one, eternal, indivisible, boundless, and perfect.
Res Cogitans
...for one thing are Thinking and Being...
...and to me 'tis indifferent
Whence I begin, for thither again thou shalt find me returning
Res Extensa
One continuous one; for of it what birth shalt thou search for?
How and whence it hath sprung? I shall not permit thee to tell me,
Neither to think: 'Of what is not,' 'for none can say or imagine
How Not-Is becomes Is; or else what need should have stirred it.
“It is atoms in us that think,” said Epicurus after Democritus. But my friend, how does an atom think? Admit that you have no idea!”
From Democritus to Galileo and Newton
From his theory of atoms Democritus derived an explanation of perception. Every object gives off or imprints on the atoms of the air images of itself, which travel through the air, reach the eye of the beholder, and then interact with its atoms. The product of that interaction passes to the mind and, in turn interacts with its atoms. He thus anticipated, albeit in largely incorrect detail, today's theory of vision, which holds that photons of light, emanating from an object travel to the eye, enter it, and stimulate, the endings of the optic nerves, which sends messages to the brain, where they act on the brain's neurons. All knowledge, according to Democritus, results from the interactions of the transmitted images with the mind. Like Protagoras, he concluded that this means we have no way of knowing whether our perceptions correctly represent what is outside or whether anyone else's perception is identical with our own. As he put it, “We know nothing for certain, but only the changes in our body produced by the forces that impinge upon it.”
Having visited Galileo and been greatly impressed by his physics, Hobbes concluded that all events are matter in motion; applying this to psychology, he reasoned that all mental activities must be motions of atoms in the nervous system and brain reacting to motions of atoms in the external world. He did not say how the movements of atoms in the brain could be a thought; he simply asserted that a metaphor for “life”, and that all talk of the soul as an incorporeal substance is “vain philosophy” and “pernicious Aristotelian nonsense.”
From Newtonian physics David Hartley (1705-1757) derived the idea that external vibrations in matter must cause corresponding vibrations of infinitesimal particles within the nerves (which, he rightly asserted were solid, not hollow). These vibrations produced miniature counterparts or “vibratiuncles ... the physiological counterpart of ideas”.
Big Bang and the Jewish Holocaust
Theosophy which became the surrogate religion of Anglo-American intellectual elites is dreaming about “the day when the mind of the western race has broken away from Mosaic chronology and Mosaic ideas of man and nature.” (See William W. Judge The Ocean of Theosophy. 1893, p.62) And that explains their admiration for men like A. Hitler or Ahmadinejad who speaks so eagerly about wiping Israel off the map.
During WWII the people in the State Department who were most closely associated with the rescue of Jews were Assistant Secretary Breckenridge Long and several middle-level officials. They included George Brandt, Long’s executive assistant, James Dunn and Wallace Murray, departmental advisers on political relations, Ray Atherton, acting chief of the Division of European Affairs, Howard Travers, chief of the Visa Division, and a number of lesser officers, especially R. Borden Reams. These men were indifferent to the tragedy of the European Jews. Randolph Paul of the Treasury Department described them as an American “underground movement…to let the Jews be killed.” That was confirmed by an eighteen-page memorandum on State Department obstruction entitled Report to the Secretary (of Treasury) on the Acquiescence of This Government in the Murder of the Jews. Led by DuBois, the Foreign Funds Control staff prepared this searing indictment, which charged that the State Department was “guilty not only of gross procrastination and willful failure to act, but even of willful attempts to prevent action from being taken to rescue Jews from Hitler.
Towards a New Pornocracy and the World Without Jews
Christopher West’s appearance on Nightline, during which he praised Hugh Hefner and asserted that John Paul II advanced the sexual revolution “in the right direction,” is but the latest in a long series of scandals arising from West’s promotion of “John Paul II’s Theology of the Body” (TOB).
TOB, West exclaims, “has already begun a ‘sexual counter-revolution’ that’s changing lives around the world. The ‘fire’ is spreading and in due time we can expect global repercussions.” Not impressed? Wait, there’s more!: “Brace yourself! If we take in what the Holy Father is saying in his Theology of the Body, we will never view ourselves, view others, view the Church, the Sacraments, grace, God, heaven, marriage, the celibate vocation...we will never view the world the same way again.”
Here is a short catalog of his main points:
suggesting that a man and woman bless their genitals before making love;
blessing the ovaries of women in his classes;
advising young men in college and the seminary to look at their naked bodies in the mirror daily in order to overcome shame;
using phallic symbolism to describe the Easter candle;
criticizing “flat-chested” images of Mary in art while encouraging Catholics to “rediscover Mary’s ... abundant breasts” (Crisis, March 2002);
referring to the “bloodied membrane” of the placenta as a "tabernacle" (Colorado Catholic Herald, 12/22/06);
stating that, while “there are some important health and aesthetic considerations that can’t be overlooked,” “there's nothing inherently wrong with anal penetration as foreplay to normal intercourse," (Good News About Sex and Marriage, 1st ed., emphasis in original), though qualifying this in the revised edition and stressing the subjective dangers of lust in such activity;
and, on Nightline, praising Hugh Hefner for helping rescue sex from prudish Victorian attitudes, saying that there are “very profound historical connections between Hefner and John Paul II,” while emphasizing that John Paul II took the sexual revolution further and in the right direction.
The Sexual Life of Priests under the material god of Big Bang
WARSAW (AFP) — Polish Friar Ksawery Knotz has been dubbed the high priest of Catholic Kama Sutra, but he says that by giving married couples tips on how to practice divine sex he is simply doing God's work."I certainly encourage married couples to pray for a good and happy sex life -- it's a way for them to become closer to God," the 43-year-old Roman Catholic monk told AFP. At first people are usually slightly shocked but at the same time happily surprised," says Knotz, who like all Catholic clergy has taken a vow of celibacy.Knotz has held retreats with more than 3,000 devoutly Roman Catholic couples in Poland since 2000, with the tacit blessing of church superiors ... and an approving nod from secular therapists. This priest is following simliar lines as to the book Holy Sex by Dr. Gregory Popcak.. "At first people are usually slightly shocked but at the same time happily surprised," says Knotz, who like all Catholic clergy has taken a vow of celibacy.
Marco Politi, Vatican correspondent for “La Repubblica, in his book La Confesione (2001) disclosed a network of gay priests throughout Italy. Rev. Andrew M. Greeley wrote in 1989: “Blatantly active homosexual priests are appointed; transferred and promoted…National networks of active homosexual priests are tolerated. Pedophiles are reassigned.” Knotz has held retreats with more than 3,000 devoutly Roman Catholic couples in Poland since 2000, with the tacit blessing of church superiors ... and an approving nod from secular therapists. Couples are so eager to attend that his weekend and six-day workshops are booked solid for the next year."If you believe in God, then you believe God is involved in life, in love, marriage and in sex and sexuality -- it seems natural to talk about sex to remove taboos and the label of sinfulness," says the monk, who resides in a monastery of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin in Stalowa Wola, southern Poland.
Decoding John Paul II's Theology of the Body
According to common definition Theology is the study of God, His nature, and attributes and His relations with man and the universe. The strange expression Theology of the Body fits perfectly into the system of thought in which Spirit and Matter are two aspects of the same reality. The Pythagorean dogma proclaiming that extended physical bodies are composed of nonextended mathematical point was inspired by the Hindu god (puru) expanding into infinity, like Dionysus. Zeno argued that everything in the universe is both infinitely large and has no size at all. The infinite divisibility of any physical body regardless of size means that it is composed of an infinite number of elements and thus is infinitely large. On the other hand, the body has no size at all because no number of nonextended units can produce an extended body. Influenced by Zeno's speculations Lenin, nearly hundred years ago, said in his book Materialism and Empiriocriticism that “the electron is as inexhaustible as the atom, nature is infinite…”
In Laws Plato also embraced a soul or souls as the cause of various phenomena:
“Now consider all the stars and the moon and the years and the months and all the seasons: what can we do except repeat the same story? A soul or souls ... have been shown to be the cause of all these phenomena, and whether it is by their living presence in matter ... or by some other means, we shall insist that these souls are gods. Can anybody admit all this and still put up with people who deny that 'everything is full of gods'?”
Hylozoism is the doctrine according to which all matter possesses life. It is a poetical view of the world. We should therefore not be surprised that the first school of philosophers in Greece, the Ionians, conceived of the universe as animated throughout and full of gods: empsychon kai daimonon plere (Diog. Laer., I,27). In the Renaissance, Bernardino Telesio, Paracelsus, Cardano, and G. Bruno revived the doctrine of hylozoism. The latter, for example, held a form of Christian pantheism. God is the source, cause, medium, and end of all things, and therefore all things are participatory in the ongoing Godhead. Anaximander could regard the heavenly bodies as blessed Gods, Xenophanes could ascribe omnipotence and omniscience to the material world ( The Biblical Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil stands for this philosophical dogma). Empedocles could represent love and strife as “elementary bodies” - all this in explaining how “pure reason could have been identified with pure space” by Parmenides and Anaxagoras. The same philosophy is behind the worship of God under the symbol of phallus. In conformity with the logic of his philosophy, penis, vagina, rectum and wastes and everything else are full of gods. And so are animals. And the same pagan philosophy inspired the postulate of pan-sexuality proclaimed by the father of the Sex and Drugs Revolution of the 1960s.
In the time period of pedophile scandals rocking the Catholic Church it will be instructive to remind of a 1985 “New York Native” interview with Joseph Sonnabend (“leading AIDS doctor”). “The rectum”, Sonnabend said, “is a sexual organ, and it deserves the respect a penis gets and a vagina gets.” Anal intercourse has been the central activity for gay men and for some women for all of history. The “leading AIDS doctor” did not know that the people of Katmandu suffer from chronic intestinal parasites caused by drinking water contaminated with fecal matter. “Versatile” anal sex and new behaviors such as analingus, or rimming facilitated the spread of otherwise difficult-to-transmit microbes. Gay men created almost laboratory conditions both to amplify STDs and then to spread these diseases throughout the world. And all these facts prove that the Bible is, indeed the God inspired Book of Books. What a shame that it is a Pope who wants to exile this Book from the memory of mankind! We already know that he will fail! Gay sex breaks every rule of decent hygiene; it is chemical and biological warfare on human societies.
The Greek sexual revolution was confronted by the Biblical commandment, Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down hereto: it is confusion. Lev 18:22, 23 and Dt. 23:17-18 refer to the Canaanite practice of ritual prostitution; the “price of dog” was the bounty paid to male prostitutes who allowed themselves to be sodmized, dog-fashion, by patrons of the temple. In the gay magazine “Advocate” (issue 710, 6/25/1996) in which the most pro-gay US President B. Clinton was interviewed, an ad showed a dog licking his master’s face and the caption promoted canine love as follows: “Dogs lick their genitals an average of four times a day”… Because, as a gay activist observed: “Queer Christians must also re-envision themselves as God’s lovers and discover a love relation with other species and with the universe itself. They need to become partners in their world with other species and learn to relate to them as friends and lovers. Because, as Pytagoras proclaimed, “Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul “(Cp. The myth of Zeus-swan and Leda).
The changing face of priesthood reflects the same tendency, which shaped the Nazi attitude toward the Jews. The gay priesthood will do everything possible to obliterate the Bible and its negative teaching about their “disorder” (John Paul II’s definition). You see, in the vision of that Pope humanity was supposed to be led to “Heaven” by disordered (deranged) minority. Le me remind here that Germany under Hitler showed early evidence of a political party made up of homosexuals; the Nazi party was a party of sex perverts. Together with pagan religion they inherited the most dangerous sexual practices.
Let me quote here a short passage from Tatian's Address to the Greeks: “The Greeks consider intercourse with a mother as unlawful, but this practice is esteemed most becoming by the Persian Magi; pederasty is condemned by the Barbarians, but by Romans, who endeavor to collect herds of boys like grazing horses, it is honored with certain privileges.”
To Finish Them off
The Scientific logic for a new Holocaust goes like that, The Jews who insist on Jewish identity are high on the list of those who must be eliminated because human evolution is on hold until the Jews disappear as a group, especially in a separate Jewish state). Only when the Jewish race has been dissoluted in the big crunch i.e. when it has been breathed in by Brahma they would be breathed out in the next expansionary process and then the problem of their separation together with their old-age attachment to the national territory will disappear. When Jews forget that they are Jews, we shall see very different world (Alice Bailey, The Destiny of Nations, p. 34-35) J. Carter updated A. Bailey's terminology in his book Palestine, Peace not Apartheid. One could say, New Agers are real fanatics of the holocaust process aka peace process.
Big Bang and the Palestine First Policy
In order to better grasp the religious motivation of this international policy we have to look closer t a political and religious movement which according to Hannah Newman seeks to unite the world under the guidance of non-human spirits, in the process of singling out Judaism – and eventually the Jewish people for destruction (
According to the Programme aka The Plan of this religion, published in 1975 the Jewish people whether they know it or not, are a dysfunctional segment of humanity. Their rehabilitation must begin by eliminating the religion which gave them these delusions – a religion so powerful that it unfortunately has infected other religions and peoples with a belief in the One God as revealed to Israel. Part of New Age “transformation of society involves spreading disinformation about the Jewish religion.Every war in the Middle East is an opportunity to castigate Israeli soldiers as war criminals and congenital murderers. Truth is irrelevant to the art of molding public opinion in an Entity War (as New Agers and UN leader Robert Muller described it. The goal behind the delegitimiztion of this religion is to remove its influence from other spiritual systems (especially from Christianity, the daughter religion of Judaism and the most corrupted by it. As for Jews who refuse to give up their identity delusion, the Plan has a final solution. For New Agers any kind of Jewish identity will be considered religious obstacle to human evolution, a matter to be resolved in the planned global. purge.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
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