Walt Whitman Monument Unveiled in Moscow
Poets will lead men's souls back to God - W. Whitman Passage to India
Oct., 15, 2009
The monument to the famous American poet Walt Whitman has been set up in the campus of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, near the First Humanities Building.
The unveiling ceremony was attended by the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov, Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov, and representatives of the official delegation of the USA, and administration of Russia and Moscow.
The monument to Walt Whitman is a return present to the Russian capital from Washington, D.C. The author of the sculpture is Alexander Burganov. Back in 2001 he created a monument to Alexander Pushkin, which was given over to the States as a gift from Moscow. The monument now stands in the campus of the George Washington University. And now Whitman is in Moscow.
Secretary Clinton said in her unveiling ceremony speech:
I agree with Minister Lavrov that just as Pushkin and Whitman reset poetry, we are resetting our relationship for the 21st century. And that relationship is not just between our two governments, but most importantly, it is between the Russians and American people. Whitman recognized that we have so much in common, and if I could, I just want to draw your attention to the quote that was chosen that is on the base of the sculpture. And here is what it says: “You Russians and we Americans, so far apart from each other, so seemingly different, and yet in ways that are most important, our countries are so alike.”
(The New York Times of Oct. 15 or 16 did not publish a report about this ceremony)
(IsraelNN.com) PM Ehud Olmert and Russian President Putin met privately for three hours in Moscow on Thursday evening. At the conclusion of the meeting, which had not been publicly announced prior to Olmert's abrupt departure for the Russian capital earlier that day, the Prime Minister's Office released a statement saying that the talks were “held in an open, serious and good atmosphere.” (...) In discussing the role of Russia in the Middle East, Putin reportedly made it clear that his country views Israel's security interests as a significant component of its regional policies. (Arutz Sheva 19 October, 07) A similar low-key visit was paid recently to Russia by the present Prime Minister of Israel B. Netanyahu,
I think that the Walt Whitman Monument unveiled in Moscow on Oct. 15, 2009 by Secretary of State H. Clinton attests, in the most profound way, to Russia's concern about Israel's security. The fact that Russia has chosen to commemorate Walt Whitman, practically forgotten and almost never mentioned or quoted in the U.S. mainstream media, as America's spokesman, to its population deserves to be explained in the context of the modern world with its indifference, or even hate to the Biblical heritage due to predominance of Science as a secular, surrogate religion.
To imply that Israel was created simply because of the Holocaust
is ridiculous and reveals ignorance on the subject.
W. Whitman's free verse with a cadence and parallelism based on the Bible betrays his life-long infatuation with the Book of Books which defined his views on many social phenomena that ran counter to the fashionable currents like spiritualism, for one thing. Poland's greatest poets of the same period like Mickiewicz, Slowacki or Norwid thought and wrote similarly. That's why I agree with him that “poets will lead men's souls back to God”, as he wrote in Passage to India”. Russia's recent history within the Soviet Commonwealth made it well aware of the fragility of all scientific theories, which were regarded by the Fathers of the Communist, scientific worldview as truths never to be proved false. The first warning signal came unexpectedly in 1987 when Halley's comet declining from all previous orbits over the Northern Hemisphere, appeared in the Southern Hemisphere. The confusion of the Soviet scientists is mirrored in an article published in the journal Astronomiya i Astrofizika (1989) whose authors argued that “the motions of Halley’s comet are chaotic” and that “the model of its motions is not determined!” In political terms it meant an earthquake. On Oct. 4, 1957 when the first sputnik was launched from the Soviet Union, the Soviet scientists assured that its speed and trajectory were calculated using Newton’s Laws, the same laws that Halley used to calculate the trajectory of his comet. The nauseating prostitution of Soviet scientists to the immoral aims of their state seemed to be overcome.. One recalls that F. Engels used to praise Copernicus as a giant of mankind. It's risky to base the lives of hundreds of millions of people on the scientific dogmas of such fallible and self-confident people. Read history and see for yourself how all those self-confident and arrogant Empires had fallen into dust and Israel is here again as a warning sign to all those who say 'There is no God'. Unappreciated but nevertheless helpful.
Compare an outburst of a disappointed admirer of NASA:
BABloggee parkylondon alerted me to this NASA image of the Space Shuttle Atlantis’s cockpit, taken in March 2000 during mission STS-101. He sent me a note via Twitter telling me how much he liked it, but as soon as I saw it I smelled a rat. A SPACE SHUTTLE-sized rat.
In my lecture on The Forgotten Astronomy of the book of Job delivered to the Polish Oriental Association in 1977 I read Walt Whitman's description of his vision of a nightly sky from Specimen Days with innumerable multitude of stars as big as ears of oats and he himself standing in the middle (together with the earth) and contemplating all that. Years earlier I had experienced a similar vision and I still vividly remember the same overwhelming enthrallment which the Biblical author expressed in the words: Heavens tell the Glory of God, or "Be still and know that I am God." I don't have this particular text right now but I have another magnificent poem by this simply a powerful and unusual poet entitled When I heard the learn’d astronomer:
When I heard the learn’d astronomer; When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me;
When I was shown the charts and the diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them;
When I, sitting, heard the astronomer, where he lectured with much applause in the
How soon, unaccountable, I became tired and sick;
Till rising and gliding out, I wander’d off by myself,
In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,
Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.
Let me remind here that one year after Walt Whitman was born, i.e. in 1820 Canon Giuseppe Settele, professor of astronomy in Rome and Washington, had written an elementary book in which the Copernican system was taken for granted. On the 16th of August, 1820, the Congregation of the Holy Office (Inquisition) decided that Settele might teach the Copernican system as established, and this decision was approved by the Pope. On the 5th of May, 1829, Thorwaldsen’s statue of Copernicus was unveiled in Warsaw. In the 1880s philosopher Nietzsche boasted: “god is dead; we have killed him with our science!” Curiously enough The Ecumenical Council of 1870 (Vatican Council I) anathematized Prof. G. Settele:
"Let him be ANATHEMA . . . who shall say that human Sciences ought to be pursued in such a spirit of freedom that one may be allowed to hold as true their assertions even when opposed to revealed doctrines." -- Ecumenical Council of 1870.
At the same time Professor Schoepfer, in his public lectures at Berlin, was demonstrating: a, that the earth is immovable; b, that the sun is but little bigger than it seems, and c, that Tycho-Brahe was perfectly right when he defended the Biblical geocentrism and Galileo was wrong when he attacked it. ("Ultimate Deductions of Science; The Earth Motionless." A lecture demonstrating that our globe does neither turn about its own axis nor around the sun; delivered in Berlin by Doctor Schoepfer. Seventh Edition.)
We can assume that the 'learn'd astronomer' of Whitman's poem was Copernicus himself, because in his dedicatory letter to Pope Paul III published as a preface to his book the heliocentrist of Frauenburg (Frombork) boasted that with the help of mathematics he proved the biblical geocentrism to be false. Not to Walt Whitman who stormed out in the middle of his lecture. Remembering the words of the Psalmist, “The stupid said in his heart there is no God.” (Heliocentrism is an atheist doctrine Blog4Brownback)
All those who, like Copernicus, would like to gag people like W. Whitman, because of their alleged ignorance of mathematics, are possibly unaware of B. Russel's verdict on that subject which says, “Physics is mathematical not because we know so much about the physical world, but because we know so little: it is only its mathematical properties that we can discover.” The Biblical Spirit animating the great poet did not fail him.
Let assume for the sake of argument that the 'learn'd astronomer' lecturing Walt Whitman on equations of heliocentric mathematic was A. Einstein himself, and he explains to the poet the nature of 'gravitational field':
“Just as in the case with the electric field produced by electromagnetic induction, the gravitational field has similarly only a relative existence. For if one considers an observer in free fall, e.g. From the roof of a house, there exist for him during his fall no gravitational field -at least in his immediate vicinity. For if the observer releases any objects, they will remain relative to him in a state of rest, or in a state of uniform motion, independent of their particular chemical or physical nature. (In this consideration one must naturally neglect air resistance.) The observer therefore is justified to consider his state as one of “rest”.
We all know that a man falling from a roof doesn't contemplate if he is in a state of uniform motion or a in a state of rest, because he is screaming from the top of his lungs. If we translate Einstein's lecture into new Age scientists' jargon-laden sound bites amounting to little more than what California Institute of Technology physicist and Nobel laureate Murray Gell-Man once described as “quantum flapdoodle” we would get something like this:
“The material world around us is nothing but possible movements of consciousness. All our perceptions of reality, every possible universe are equally “real” in our mind, because Heisenberg said atoms are not things but only tendencies. So leaping out of a 100-story building we may consciously choose the experience of passing safely through movements of consciousness to the ground tendencies i.e. Maya which is occasionally called ground. (Watch the film, What the #$*! Do We Know?!) Over three hundred people who jumped from the burning WTC disproved both Einstein and his New Agers.
It is well to remember that a great deal of modern cosmology, especially when its practitioners are trying to predict its destiny and retrodict its origin, is sheer mathematical manipulation and evolutionary philosophical imagination. ‘It ain’t necessarily so!" Philosophical imagination is not the same as poetical inspiration.
Einstein himself admitted, "When I examine myself and my methods of thought I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge.” The word "fantasy" equates, of course, with such things as: "delusion, illusion, misconception, trick, fool’s paradise, self-deception, hallucination, false light, figment of the imagination, something unsubstantial, thin air, mockery", etc.
Do you believe, with Copernicus, that the sun is a god? If not, you cannot believe in heliocentrism.
Why? Here is Copernicus's paragraph:
“We conceive immobility to be nobler and more divine that mutability and instability, which latter is therefore more appropriate to the earth than to the universe. I add to this that it would seem quite absurd to attribute motion to that which contains and locates, rather than to that which is contained and located – namely, the earth.”
My question e-mailed to Science Times, a few years ago, if they believe with Copernicus and Galileo that the sun is a god is to be answered yet. Heisenberg is said to have illustrated the particle-wave duality of nature that is the basis of quantum theory by maintaining that the universe is not made of matter or energy, but MUSIC! That inspired the modern so-called Superstrings Theory. You may recall that Robert Fludd’s Musica Mundana (1624) presented the Universe in the shape of a gigantic monochord with the sun in the middle of its shaft.
In 1898 the Polish magazine Życie ( (Life, II, 44, p. 579) edited by the most creative Polish dramatist and painter S. Wyspianski published a drawing by F. Bilek presenting the pagan inspiration for Copernicus’ heliocentrism. This terrifying vision of the Pythagorean-Copernican heliolatry in which the living Earth (i.e. the goddess Gaia) orbits the personified Logos or the sun god Jesus prepared the Polish audience for the shocking portrait of the Polish society morally devastated by the Renaissance revival of the Hellenistic paganism, presented in Wyspianski’s most popular drama The Wedding (Wesele). In this play a straw man is a personification of the Pythagorean principle that the “world is music and creation a dance.” The sounds of the “Pythagorean Lyre” set the people into a trance like dance of sleepwalkers which makes them forgetful about the sad reality of the political enslavement by the three neighboring powers. Their dance was the only meaningful ritual around the altar of their new “Savior” who, as the Jesuits taught them, “stopped the sun and moved the earth.” F. Bilek’s unmasking drawing and Wyspiański’s drama were the answer to the statue of Copernicus unveiled in Warsaw in 1839 by the order of Pope. Ten years earlier Pope Pius VII decreed that Copernican system might be taught as truth established. Copernicus in the preface to his book invoked papal infallibility, which would silence all possible critics. Roma locuta causa finita, said father Settele in Washington.
In 2006 the Senate of the Warsaw University, defending John Paul II's rehabilitation of heliocentrism against Benedict's XVI's rehabilitation of creationism as expressed by him during his visit to Regensburg on September 12, 2006, (http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2006/sep/06091202.html) issued a declaration entitled: “No Reasonable Scientist negates the theory of Evolution” (Oct. 19, 2006). So we may conclude that only the Polish Pope was a “reasonable scientists” but Benedict XVI a German is not. At the same time a bishop who expressed belief in evolution was selected by the Polish Episcopate as a new Archbishop of Poland, but soon was accused of collaboration with communist security service and his appointment was revoked. A year or so later, a Russian high ranking hierarch, rejected Darwinism in his interview for the German magazine Spiegel ONLINE and soon thereafter was elected a new Patriarch of Russia. Walt Whitman, so to say, will be helping him from his pedestal. No Polish scientist dared question his reasonableness. Without a US Missile Shield they are simply scared.
What is the meaning of the expression “a reasonable scientist?” Well, the latest ad campaign touting New Yorkers “who are good without God” on posters in 12 subway stations is sponsored by the Coalition of Reason, which means that the people believing in God are irrational, and aloga like animals. A spokeswoman for this group said that they were inspired by President Obama's inaugural speech in which he said that “America is a nation of non-believers as well as believers.” Well, President Obama, in his relentless pressure on Israel, needs the help of rather non-believing Americans than believing ones. During the Cold War period when America faced the Communist, non-believing Superpower, the belief in God was advertised on the dollar bill. A Polish proverb says that when fear overcomes you, you seek God's help, but when the fear is gone so is God. Now when Russia became religious America has declared war on God... (Metro, Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2009). The Bible says that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. We'll see who is irrational.
The Political Archeology of the W. Whitman Monument
During one of his meetings with M. Gorbachev President R. Reagan switched from seeking to persuade the Soviet leader of the value of religious tolerance to promoting a belief in God. Reagan did so by telling one of his trademark stories. According to the notes of their meeting:
The President said he had a letter from the widow of a young WWII soldier. He was lying in a shell hole at midnight, awaiting an order to attack.. He had never been a believer, because he had been told God did not exist (maybe at his school by his evolution teacher-rp) But as he looked up at the stars he voiced prayer hoping that, if he died in battle, God would accept him. That piece of paper was found on the body of a young Russian soldier who was killed in that battle. (James Mann, The Rebellion of Ronald Reagan. A History of the End of the Cold War. Viking. 2009, p. 295
I wonder, will President Medvedyev try to convert President B. Obama to a belief in God by conflating Whitman's vision of the stars with that of a dying Russian soldier?
You will better understand the political meaning of John Paul II's rehabilitation of Galileo in the context of the following quote from A. Koestler's The Sleepwalkers: The dials on the laboratory panels are turning into another version of the shadows in the cave. Our hypnotic enslavement to the numerical aspects of reality, (as described in Whitman's poem quoted above-rp), has dulled our perception of non-quantitative moral values ... Kepler's sun-spokes, Galileo's confidence tricks, and Descartes' pituitary soul, may have some sobering effect on the worshipers of the new Baal, lording it over the moral vacuum with his electronic brain.
John Paul II reconquered America for this “hypnotic enslavement” in the hearts of the caves where “time-space gives birth to bats” or bat-men.
In the Pipes of Pan, a proposed Scholium to the Principia Mathematica of 1687 Newton rewrote the myth of Pythagoras claiming that the inverse-square law of gravitation had been known to the earliest sages. The same law had been discovered, Newton wrote, between a string's length and its tension for a given musical pitch, before it was applied to the heavens where it was observed by Shiva Nataraja, Apollo Musagetes and all other solar deities.
Newton's dilemma behind the inverse square law of gravitation is understandable in the context of the myth of Shiva. With drum and dance, he represents the world's perpetual unfolding or evolution. The drum in Hindu myth is an agency of cosmic creation, and dancing is one of the many aspects.
Whitman comments in his November Boughs (1888) regarding Shakespeare's historical plays are indirect attack on heliocentrism as the ideological foundation of feudalism. Whitman believed that only somebody belonging to that “ruthless and gigantic caste” could have written these plays:
Conceiv'd out of the fullest heat and pulse of European feudalism -personifying ill unparalleled ways the medieval aristocracy, its towering spirit of ruthless and gigantic caste, with its own peculiar air and arrogance (no mere imitation) -only one of the "wolfish earls" so plenteous in the plays themselves...”
Shakespeare, or whoever he was immediately embraced the fashionable doctrine of heliocentrism:
The glorious planet Sol
In noble eminence enthroned and spher’d
Amidst the other…
using it to proclaim the glory of the English monarchy, and not the glory of God:
The sun not only is the King of the sky
But he is like the King
And the King is like sun.
The correspondence between God, the Sun and the King is confirmed by the “healing power of the English King” derived from the “med’cinable eye of the Sol.” In A Christian Familiar Comfort John Norder compares the state to the heavens and Queen Elizabeth and her Council to the primum mobile or controlling sphere, within whose compass any other motion that of Ireland, and of the USA in particular must be contained. The evolutionary dogma was smuggled into the King James Version of the Bible, in order to enhance the divine status of the British monarchs according to the Aryan dogma of evolution: The worm of today is the God of tomorrow. (Swami Vivekananda)
In 1934 the “med’cinable eye of the Sol” (i.e. the sun god Baal) was put on the dollar bill. The Nazis had chosen the same symbol for their eugenic program of killing the Germans and the Jews “unfit” to live.
W. Whitman vs. Very “ Rational” Ch. Darwin
In 1874, W. Whitman was invited to write a poem about the Spiritualism movement, to which he responded, "It seems to me nearly altogether a poor, cheap, crude humbug."
Well, Sir William Crookes, Physicist, chemist and a President of Royal Society, claimed to have seen materialized, by scientific precipitation spirit forms, or spiritual bodies walking and talking during séances He invited the two secretaries of the Royal Society, Professor Stokes and Sharpey, to visit his home to witness the phenomena for themselves – an invitation which neither of them accepted. Sir Crookes himself materialized a spirit whom he named Katie King and described her in such words:
"Round her she made an atmosphere of life;The very air seemed lighter from her eyes;They were so soft and beautiful and rifeWith all we can imagine of the skies;Her overpowering presence makes you feelIt would not be idolatry to kneel!"
(See his pamphlet The Last of Katie King, p. 112)
But wait, there is more. Ch. Darwin, writing to Sir Francis Galton on 23 Jan. 1872, said: “Have you seen Mr. Crookes? I hope to heaven you have, as I for one should feel entire confidence in your conclusion!” In 1874 after reading Crookes’s Notes of an Enquiry into the Phenomena Called Spiritual, Darwin remarked in a letter to Lady Derby, “If you had called here after I had read the article you would have found me a much perplexed man. Cannot disbelieve Mr.Crookes’s statements, nor can believe his results!” Galton did indeed call in Crookes, and he was soon able to report to Darwin, in a letter dated March 28, 1872: “Crookes is working deliberately and well.” Three weeks later Galton wrote: “Crookes, I am sure so far as it is just for me to give an opinion, is thoroughly scientific in his procedure. I am convinced; the affair is no matter of vulgar legerdemain.” And that's what Science, according to Royal Priesthood, is.” Galton became a father of eugenics which killed hundreds of thousands of “unfit” Americans and inmates in the Nazi concentration camps.
Crookes’s records of his experiments fall far short (as he himself admitted) of the standards the subject demanded. His scientific achievements may have engendered a certain assumption of omnipotence, for in 1871 he was able to say without embarrassment: “Others have gone so far as to question my veracity: “Mr. Crookes must get better witnesses before he can be believed!” Accustomed as I am to have my word believed without witness, this is an argument which I cannot condescend to answer.” (Man, Myth, Magic, v. 4, p547n). That’s how a President of the Royal Society ‘s mind works. One thing, however, remains to be explained, we don’t know if Sir Crookes danced with Katie King and, if he cared to weigh her with Colonel Olcott’s spring balance. Keep in mind that, according to the Fifth Gospel of Newton, gravity is the spiritual body of Jesus Christ... Will somebody materialize Jesus Christ, or John Paul II, please?
The Ruthless Caste Inspiration for the Darwinian Natural Selection
Karma: Past lives which are lived wrongly bring about 'karma' which must be worked off without complaint, and no one should try to alleviate their own or another's suffering 'lest we interfere with the outworking of their karma and unbalance cosmic justice' (this has long been practiced in India, where sick and starving people 'of low caste' are left to die in the streets). Willim O. Judge taught extensively on this theme and commented on its application to the Jews. Because the Jews were sentenced by Cicero to eternal servitude. Being a slave in Rome meant that you had no right to defend yourself. The latest accusations of alleged war crime committed by the IDF during Gaza War prove that the enemies of Israel still think along the lines of this ancient Roman propaganda. Darwinists are no 'Good Samaritans.
On pages 149 and 150 in The Descent of Man Darwin says:
“With savages, the weak in body or mind are soon eliminated; and those that survive commonly exhibit a vigorous state of health. We civilized men, on the other hand, do our utmost to check the process of elimination, we build asylums for the imbecile, the maimed and the sick; we institute poor laws; and our medical men exert their utmost skill to save the life of everyone to the last moment. There is reason to believe that vaccination has preserved thousands who, for a weak constitution, would formerly have succumbed to smallpox (or swine flu). Thus the weak members of civilized society propagate their kind. No one who has attended to the breeding of domestic animals will doubt that this must be highly injurious to the race of man. It is surprising how soon a want of care, or care wrongly directed, leads to the degeneration of a domestic race; but, excepting in the race of man himself, hardly anyone is so ignorant as to allow his worst animals to breed.” Darwin was one of the richest men in Great Britain and he wrote justification for the inhuman practices of his own caste. He was tried with the Nazi war criminals in Nuremberg.
Big Bang theory also referred to as Modern “Genesis” retired the Biblical Genesis because the American social Darwinist and a New Ager John Fiske imparted to the enthusiastic audiences his conviction that the political genius of Aryan peoples was the hope of the world. The world without hospitals or medical care for poor people who will be dying like animals in forests. How prophetic was Whitman in his vision of ruthless and gigantic caste, with its own peculiar air and arrogance.
Oct. 17, 2009JPost.com Staff , THE JERUSALEM POST
Former prime minister Ehud Olmert was greeted with cries of 'war criminal' and "murderer" when he spoke at the University of Chicago on October 15th. (The day when the W. Whitman Monument was unveiled in Moscow)
Several dozen pro-Palestinian protesters stood outside the lecture hall waving Palestinian flags and shouting out slogans against the former Israeli leader. But Olmert was also interrupted inside the hall.
"War crimes are not free expression!" shouted one man. "Shame on my university for inviting a murderer." Several other students rose from their seats and presented lists of people killed during Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip earlier this year. The protesters were escorted out of the hall by security. They were carrying big posters with portraits of A. Einstein. Why? Here is why:
By December 1948, a distinguished contingent of Jewish scientists and intellectuals warned in The New York Times that those leading the effort to establish a Jewish state bear "the unmistakable stamp of a Fascist party". Albert Einstein joined concerned Jews who cautioned Americans "not to support this latest manifestation of fascism. "The undersigned therefore take this means of publicly presenting a few salient facts concerning Begin and his party, and of urging all concerned not to support this latest manifestation of fascism." Albert Einstein, The New York Times, 4 December 1948
In other words, Einstein and his ilk took revenge on W. Whitman and his beloved Bible. A. Einstein will be recognized as a Father of an independent Palestinian state, if such a state will materialize.
Olmert himself maintained his composure despite the interruptions and responded to them calmly and politely.
Will Iran establish ties with Israel
Monday, 19 October 2009Al Arabiya
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who is not known for outlandish statements, said in an interview with the Russia Today television channel, RIA Novosti news agency and the Voice of Russia radio station that he believes that “Israel and Iran should strive to restore relations” and that “there is nothing impossible in that
Three Days later Israel nuclear commission confirmed talks with Iran
JERUSALEM, Oct. 22 (Xinhua) -- Officials of Israel Atomic Energy Commission (IAEC) and Iran have held talks recently, a spokeswoman from the commission confirmed on Thursday. Israeli media reported earlier in the day that an IAEC representative met with a senior Iranian official last month in Cairo to discuss nuclear-free issue in the Middle East
There is nothing impossible for God. He is Almighty
Roman Pytel Ph.D., poles4israel 10/17/09
Friday, October 23, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
How Copernicanism is changing our World
Towards Panbaylonism
Franz Cumont in his Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans wrote: “From astronomical speculations the Chaldeans had deduced a whole system of religious dogmas. The sun, set in the midst of the superimposed planets, regulates their harmonious movements. As its heat impels them forward, then draws them back, it is constantly influencing, according to its various aspects, the direction of their course and their action upon the earth. Fiery heart of the world (Hegemonikon of the Stoics), it vivifies the whole of this great organism, and as the stars obey its command, it reigns supreme over the universe. The radiance of its splendor illuminates the divine immensity of the heavens, but at the same time in its brilliance there is intelligence; it is the origin of all reason, and, as a tireless sower it scatters unceasingly on the world below the seeds of a harvest of souls. Our brief life is but a particular form of the universal life…This coherent and magnificent theology, founded upon the discoveries of ancient astronomy in its zenith, gradually imposed on mankind the cult of the “Invincible Sun” as the master of all nature, creator and preserver of men.” sacredword.org/.../Projects/Projects.htm The white dress of Brahmins www.brahmins.com/
Heliocentrism as expressed by Pliny in his Natural History
“Upheld by the same vapor between earth and heaven, at definite spaces apart, hang the seven stars which owing to their motion we call 'planets,' although no stars wander less than they do. In the midst of these moves the sun, whose magnitude and power are the greatest, and who is the ruler not only of the seasons and of the lands, but even of the stars themselves and of the heaven. Taking into account all that he effects, we must believe him to be the soul, or more precisely the mind, of the whole world, the supreme ruling principle and divinity of nature. He furnishes the world with light and removes darkness, he obscures and he illumines the rest of the stars, he regulates in accord with nature's precedent the changes of the seasons and the continuous re-birth of the year, he dissipates the gloom of heaven and even calms the storm-clouds of the mind of man, he lends his light to the rest of the stars also; he is glorious and pre-eminent, all-seeing and even all-hearing – this, I observe, that Homer the prince of literature held to be true in the case of the sun alone.”(2-1)
Invicta Roma was the Empire of Sol Invictus or Kosmokrator (Ruler of the Cosmos) and as such was “destined to rule the whole world” (Virgil). When Rome succumbed to Jesus it did not embrace him as a Jewish teacher but as the sun god Helios (Apollo) whose halo used to symbolize divine rank of Roman emperors. For centuries, the Roman propaganda, especially Cicero’s, proclaimed that the Jews were “a nation born to servitude,” like all other conquered “barbarians”. The same author, while popularizing the Pythagorean heliocentrism in his Dream of Scipio speaks of the sun as “the Lord, chief and ruler of the other lights, the Mind and guiding principle of the universe.” The perennial Roman heliocentrism is reflected in the pagan wheel of the year on the surface of St. Peter's Square in front of St. Peter's Church (see www.canadafirst.net/our_heritrage/solstice/).
Here is the key passage from Copernicus's The Revolutions:
“In the center of all rests the Sun. For who would place this lamp of a very beautiful temple in another or better place than this from which it can illuminate everything at the same time? As a matter of fact, not unhappily do some call it the lantern, others, the mind, and still others, the Leader of the World. Trismegistus calls it ‘visible God’; Sophocles’ Electra, ‘that which gazes upon all things.’ And so the sun, as if resting on a kingly throne, governs the family of stars which wheel around.”
In Thomas Digges's translation of The Revolutions the sun is “like the king in the middest of al who reigneth and geeveth lawes of motion to ye rest.” In this translation the sun stands for abstract Nature, or the essential inherent force formed by the assumption of a single prima cause. In the world of Prime Mover character of man is produced by “gym rooms” or “boot camps”. This was also the doctrine of the English public schools in spite of the fact that human actions are not simply bodily movements. Natural man was a child of natural philosophy according to the dogma of natural selection.
Declaration of Father Melchior Inchofer, 1631
"We say, pronounce, sentence and declare that you, Galileo, by reason of these things which have been detailed in the trial and which you have confessed already, have rendered yourself according to this Holy Office vehemently suspect of heresy, namely of having held and believed a doctrine that is false and contrary to the divine and Holy Scripture: namely that Sun is the centre of the world and does not move from east to west, and that one may hold and defend as probable an opinion after it has been declared and defined contrary to Holy Scripture. Consequently, you have incurred all the censures and penalties enjoined and promulgated by the sacred Canons and all particular and general laws against such delinquents. We are willing to absolve you from them provided that first, with a sincere heart and unfeigned faith, in our presence you abjure, curse and detest the said errors and heresies, and every other error and heresy contrary to the Catholic and Apostolic Church in the manner and form we will prescribe to you. Furthermore, so that this grievous and pernicious error and transgression of yours may not go altogether unpunished, and so that you will be more cautious in future, and an example for others to abstain from delinquencies of this sort, we order that the book Dialogue of Galileo Galilei be prohibited by public edict. We condemn you to formal imprisonment in this Holy Office at our pleasure. As a salutary penance we impose on you to recite the seven penitential psalms once a week for the next three years...”
F. Cardinal of AscoliB. Cardinal GessiG. Cardinal BentivoglioF. Cardinal VerospiFr. D. Cardinal of CremonaM. Cardinal GinettiFr. Ant. s Cardinal of. S. Onofrio
These cardinals were “ignoramuses” said John Paul II
The Pope caped his speech, rehabilitating Galileo in 1992, with a generous tribute to Galileo the “theologian”: ‘Paradoxically, Galileo, a sincere believer, showed himself to be more perceptive in this regard than the theologians who opposed him.’ In January of 2008 Pope Benedict XVI had the astronomical observatory that has been part of Castel Gandolfo, south of Rome, for more than 75 years dismantled. Galileo had been exiled out of the Vatican.
P.K. Feyerabend commented on the Galileo affair as follows:
“The church at the time of Galileo was much more faithful to reason than Galileo himself, and also took into consideration the ethical and social consequences of Galileo's doctrine. Its verdict against Galileo was rational and just, and revisionism can be legitimized solely for motives of political opportunism.”(The Messy Relationship Between Religion and Science: Revisiting Galileo's Inquisition 2008). Which means that while rehabilitating Galileo, pope John Paul II disregarded the ethical and social consequences of his move. Pres. Clinton used this rehabilitation to introduce the law allowing the so-called partial birth abortions.
Half a century or so ago, the most authoritative encyclopedia of history in the U.S. listed Newton only once, and then only to indicate that he was made Warden of the Mint in 1696.(Gerald Holton Finding Favor with the Angel of the Lord: Notes Toward the Psychobiographical Study of sceintific Genius; in: The Interaction Between Science and Philosophy. Ed. By Y. Elkana. 1974. Atlantic Highlands, N.J., p.385) On Oct. 4, 1957 when the first sputnik was launched from the Soviet Union, the Soviet scientists assured that its speed and trajectory were calculated using Newton’s Laws, the same laws that Halley used to calculate the trajectory of his comet, which in 1986 abandoned its usual trajectory over the Northern Hemisphere and went instead to the Southern.
Kepler said that he understood perfectly how the Pythagoreans could believe that all the globes disseminated through Space were rational Intelligences¸facultates ratiocinativae, circulating around the Sun. According to Copernicus they were offspring of the sun god i.e. Reason of the World.
Masonic authority, Albert Pike writes: “If our conceptions of God are those of the ignorant, narrow minded, and vindictive Israelite…we feel that it is an affront and an indignity to God” (Morals and Dogma page 223) This Confederate Brigadier General, in the same book taught that Jehovah is the phallus, Jesus is the vagina, and the Holy Ghost is the sperm of the Godhead! Accordingly, Father Coyne John Paul's Astronomer Royal recognized stars as god's sperm And here is how A. Pike reconstructed in the same book Copernicus's pagan beliefs coded in the above passage and thus restored the teachings of the Global pagan solar religion:
1. “The Sun, Archimagus, worshipped as Mithras, the Mediator, the Invincible. “ (p. 612)
2. “The Sun and Moon of the Alchemists give stability to the Philosophical Stone…” (p. 776)
3. “Sun and Moon considered the cause of the generation of the earth…” (p. 475)
4.”Sun and Moon are the emblems of the two Divine sexes…” (p. 305)
5. “The Sun, called Heliogabalus, and adored under the form of a black stone (like Kaaba!)” (p. 775)
6. “The Sun God finally victorious over the serpent.” (p. 496)
7. “The Sun God rides on the winged horse, but the Serpent bites the horse’s heels.” (p. 499)
8. ”…traces of the worship of the Sun yet linger in all religions.” (p. 483)
9. “You have…heard much of the ancient worship of the Sun, the Moon, and other bright luminaries of
Heaven, and of the Elements and Powers of Universal Nature.” (p. 583)
10. “Faith…was represented by the Sun.” (p. 727)
11. “The Sun was figuratively said to die and be born again at the Winter Solstice.” (p. 464)
Click on the below link to see Masonic sun god exhibited in the Boston Masonic Temple www.curatedobject.us/.../exhibitions_boston/
Well, the Polish Masonic Lodge is called Copernicus and its Italian counterpart – Galileo.
Arthur Koestler in his Sleepwalker observed:” The dials on the laboratory panels are turning into another version of the shadows in the cave. Our hypnotic enslavement to the numerical aspects of reality has dulled our perception of non-quantitative moral values; the resultant end-justified-the-means ethics may be a major factor in our undoing. Conversely, the example of Plato's obsession with perfect spheres, of Aristotle's arrow propelled by the surrounding air, the 48 epicycles of Canon Koppernigk, and his moral cowardice, Tycho's mania of grandeur, Kepler's sun-spokes, Galileo's confidence tricks, and Descartes' pituitary soul, may have some sobering effect on the worshipers of the new Baal, lording it over the moral vacuum with his electronic brain.” (525)
“The minority, the ruling class at present, has the schools and press, usually the Church as well, under its thumb. This enables it to organize and sway the emotions of the masses, and make its tool of them.” - letter to Sigmund Freud, 1932
Esoteric festivals with crowds in the tens of thousands are growing in popularity in the Copernican World
Theosophy which became the surrogate religion of Anglo-American intellectual elites is dreaming about “the day when the mind of the western race has broken away from Mosaic chronology and Mosaic ideas of man and nature.” (See William W. Judge The Ocean of Theosophy. 1893, p.62) And that explains their admiration for men like A. Hitler or Ahmadinejad who speaks so eagerly about wiping Israel off the map.
In the UK, Brighton proudly wears the title these days - Capital of Occulture. This year's Occulture festivities began on July 19th and exhibited bigger than ever venues - sacred music and dance, clairvoyance, psychic and tarot readers, chakra, traditional witchcraft, tattooing, piercing, fetish Satanism, shamanism, transcendent techniques, and lectures favoring paganism from the original Book of Shadows.(This Occulture is a continuation of the 19th Century Occult Revival. Described by Barbra Aho in her Online paper titled The 19th Cenury Occult Revival. The Legacy of Westcott and Hort.I)
Marquee this year was the 'Pleasure Dome" where magicians, sorcerers and witches discussed their trade, including Mogg Morgon, founder of the Golden Dawn Occult Society, Ralph Harvey, a prominent Wiccan High Priest, and Emrys, a Shaman of the Cromlech Covenant.
According to the Occulture Festival's News Page, Mark Ramsden, an accomplished jazz musician with deep interest in the occult was this year's compere. "Old Occulture hands may remember Mark from the infamous Black Friday 2001 - 'a night of dark lascivious delights'" - the website says.
"...the new Archbishop of Canterbury was inducted as a druid in a 200-year-old ceremony with pagan roots in Wales. As the sun rose over a circle of Pembrokeshire bluestones, the Archbishop of Wales, the Most Rev Dr Rowan Williams, donned a long white cloak while druids chanted a prayer to the ancient god and goddess of the land. After a trumpet fanfare and the thrice partial sheathing and unsheathing of a 6ft 6in sword, a citation was read. Dr Williams closed his hands in prayer while the archdruid, wearing a crown and shield over his bardic robes, enfolded them in his own and utter words of welcome. That was the moment that Dr Williams, who adopted a new, bardic name, was accepted into the white druidic order, the highest of three orders of the Gorsedd of Bards, the Welsh body of poets, musicians, writers and artists. The Mistress of the Robes, Sian Aman, then clothed him in a druidic white headdress, and a steward led him to join the other assembled druids inside a sacred circle.
“Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue about that; I'm right and I will be proved right. We're more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first-rock 'n' roll or Christianity. Jesus was all right but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It's them twisting it that ruins it for me.” - Lennon's interview in The Evening Standard, 1966
In the U.S., the number of earth-worshiping pagans at the Burning Man Festivals have grown to tens of thousands. People come from Canada, Brazil, Germany, Russia, and 25 other countries to an isolated corner of Black Rock Desert in Nevada, where other Wiccans, Satanists, goddesses, nudists, and a consortium of party-goers converge on the hot Nevada desert for a Labor Day weekend of "glorious Hell on earth."
Recent Burning Man festivals included The Floating World, based on the New Age concept that "Reality is so big we must protect ourselves from it.... Our little worlds, in truth, are ships that float upon a sea," the Chaos Cabaret, a dinner theater devoted to celebrating the two purest forms of chaos: the Maelstrom (a violent, disordered, turbulent state bursting with activity) and the Abyss ( an immeasurable place of the damned), "Motel 666", and "Crucifixion With a Celebrity" where one could purchase a picture of a crucified obese Elvis while eating hamburgers sold by devil-worshipers at the McSatan cafe wearing T-shirts that proudly proclaimed, "Praise The Whore!"
The spirit of the occult has existed since the beginning of time. Like an insidious cancer—unseen, patient, deadly—it has grown. Indications of its presence have been felt occasionally, and confirmations of its actuality have been documented from Brighton to Washington D.C.
As we approach the culmination of the “new order of the ages,” cult experts forecast a continuing revival of such mysticism. While church attendance continues to decline across the United States and Britain, adherents of the occult expand their "services" to meet the desires and mystical interests of a spiritually hungry world.
New Age expert Judy Vorfeld says, “Dabbling in the realm of the occult is currently stylish. Even some Christians seem unable to avoid the attraction of this colorful, seductive world.”
She's right. From Burning Man festivals to public school Environmental Education to faddish television good-guys and bad-girls, today’s generation is lapping up as much New Age Occultianity as they can get their hands on. Whether it's comic book heroes that teach youth the dangerous Persephonian idea that a person can be in league with the devil and still be a good person, or the syncretistic goals of the Occulture Festival and Burning Man, the glowing fire of pagan revival can no longer be denied.
From a Biblical point of view, powerful and ancient entities are behind the revival of paganism. In the air above and the earth beneath are nefarious progenitors of esoteric mysticism. “Demons” to some and “gods” to others, such forces have numerous titles. They can appear in hideous forms or as beautiful angels of light. They are the “wicked spirits” (poneria: the collective body of demon soldiers comprising Satan’s hordes), “rulers of darkness” (kosmokrators: governing spirits of darkness), “powers” (exousia: high ranking powers of evil), and “principalities” (arche: commanding generals over Satan’s fallen army) of Ephesians 6:12.
In Harmonics, Book IV, last chapter, Kepler discussed an additional reason for the ebb and flow of the tide. If the demons undertake their work when the moon is favorable, its presence in the shadow will aid their efforts with the magnetic pull of a kindred body.”
As the "gods and goddesses" of the underworld, the demons live today and encourage mysticism among pagans, witches, New Agers and even church-goers in at least the following ways:
Aphrodite—sensuality, fertility rites, wiccan rituals, sacred prostitution. (Mighty Aphrodite)
Amun-Ra—masturbation, self realization, environmentalism, Darwinism.
Apis—animal worship, animal rights, animal channeling, occultianity.
Apollo—humanism, oracles, channeling, psychics, drugs, visualization, “Trip to the Moon on the broom*”.
*The radical lesbian feminist Mary Daly, a brilliant woman who has become totally committed to this new worldview. In her various books, like Pure Lust and another one called Outercourse: The Be-Dazzling Voyage, she describes the meeting of radical witch feminists on the other side of the moon. Thousands of liberated women from the past and the present are gathered on the other side of the moon… you understand this is just playful… and in this gathering there is enormous rage against patriarchy.
Artemis—goddess worship, animal worship, animal rights, lesbianism.
Asclepius—holistic medicine, psychic dreaming, spirit-guide animals.
Athene—goddess worship, feminism, the spirituality movement, lesbianism.
Baal*—oracles, polytheism, abortion**, fertility issues.
*Not a single pro-abortion Catholic politician has been excommunicated from the church during John Paul II's pontificate; only a handful of openly heretical priests were asked to stop teaching theology, but were otherwise permitted to exercise their priestly ministry unhindered.
Demeter—environmental education, earth worship, goddess worship.
Dionysus—drunkenness, freudianism, ecstasy, pornography, lesbianism, abortion*.
Changing Islam into New Age
Dr. Abdul Aziz al-Rantisi, Hamas's second in command used to argue that Allah - many times wrongly translated as 'God' - is not the God of the Bible, nor the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Allah is another deity, one who drinks blood as water, who loves jihad and terror, and promises virgins in his so-called paradise to those who kill Jews - the more the better. Accordingly, we learn from a Palestinian post stamp that the true god of Palestine is Baal-Zephon who was a principal mighty one of Ugait or Ras Shamra, and of the Canaanite people who lived in that area of Syria. (The Palestinian assassin of the Jordanian prime minister Wasfi Tal, Manzur Khalifa, knelt down to lap up blood from the pool spreading beneath Tal's body. His lower face smeared red, Khalifa shouted: 'I am proud! Finally I have done it.)
Baal was originally, it appears, associated with specific places and sanctuaries; in Ugarit temple he is equated with Dagon (half-fish, half-man the first-born of philosophical evolution). Ball was also known as the sun idol, Baal-Hannan. He had received the name Hannan, or the “grace”. (Hislop in his two Baylons observed: “From the historian Castor (in Armenian translation of Eusebius, pars. I, p. 81) we learn that it was under Bel, or Belus, that is Baal, that the Cyclops lived; and the Scholiast on Æschylus [chapter II, section II, sub-section I, note 22] states that these Cyclops were the brethren of Kronos, who was also Bel or Bal, as we have elsewhere seen [chapter II, section II, sub-section I]. The eye in their forehead shows that originally this name was a name of the great god, for that eye in India and Greece is found the characteristic of the supreme divinity. The Cyclops, then, had been representatives of that God—in other words, priests, and priests of Bel or Bal. Now, we find that the Cyclops were well-known as cannibals, Referre ritus Cyclopum, "to bring back the rites of the Cyclops," meaning to revive the practice of eating human flesh. (Ovid, Metam., XV, 93, Vol. II, p. 132. The term cannibal is derived from Cahna-Baal, priest of Baal. A Cross in a circle was the symbol of the sun god Baal. Pagan Rome of old offered human sacrifices to Baal on the crosses)
"They shall mistake Baal for the God of Israel "(Hosea 2:16).
Eye of Horus, a symbol of occult illumination hovered over Anne Emmerich on an Augustinian website. Following an expose on the Internet, the Augustinians cropped the Eye of Horus from the original picture. (See attached picture). Recall that the myth of Horus is a distortion of the Genesis account of God's judgment on the Tower of Babel. Not happy with this arrangement, New Agers anticipate the return of Horus as the reincarnation of Nimrod who will at last unite mankind in a victorious rebellion against God. (Gen. 10 and 11). The Gilgamesh Epic describes the first "God is dead" movement
Where will the revival of paganism lead?
Billy Graham says, “Lucifer, our archenemy, controls one of the most powerful and well-oiled war machines in the universe. He controls principalities, powers, and dominions. Every nation, city, village, and individual has felt the hot breath of his evil power. He is already gathering the nations of the world for the last great battle in the war against Christ—Armageddon.”
The "old gods" of the underworld will be destroyed by Yahweh. "The Lord will be terrible unto them: for he will famish all the gods of the earth" (Zeph. 2:11). "The Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, saith; Behold, I will punish...the gods" (Jer. 46:25). Yahweh will also punish the leader of the gods, that old serpent, called the Devil, and his human followers.
To the physician of the Emperor Julian, the Byzantine ruler who tried to restore paganism after Christianity had become the official religion of the Byzantine Empire, the god Apollo sent message: "Tell the King," said the oracle, "that the curiously built temple has fallen to the ground, that bright Apollo no longer has a roof over his head, or prophetic laurel, or babbling spring. Yes, even the murmuring water has dried up."
It is more than a thousand years since the Bulgarian people, who, emerging from obscurity, suddenly became famous through the late Russo-Turkish war, were converted to Christianity. And yet they appear none the less pagans than they were before, for this is how they meet Christmas and the New Year's day. To this time, they call this festival Survaki, as it falls in with the festival in honor of the ancient Slavonian god Surva. In the Slavonian mythology this deity Surva -- evidently identical with the Aryan Surya, the sun, is the god of heat, fertility, and abundance. The celebration of this festival is of an immense antiquity, as, far before the days of Christianity, the Bulgarians worshiped Surva, and consecrated New Year's day to this god, praying him to bless their fields with fertility, and send them happiness and prosperity. This custom has remained among them in all its primitives heathenism, and though it varies according to localities, yet the rites and ceremonies are essentially the, same. In their prayers they address the god Surva “Our Father who art in heaven.”
The Lithuanian Group Romuva was first established in 1928, taking its name from an ancient holy place. Soviets destroyed this group, although some secret activities continued in Siberian work camps during Stalin's rule. Trinkunas reestablished the group in 1967, and now there are about 200 members. Today the group is concerned with scientific problems and research, as well as worship. They also maintain contacts with pagan groups all over the Europe. Beyond this "hard-core" group, an interest in Lithuanian traditions has fueled a broader revival of the symbols, songs and arts that find their roots in paganism. Inge Kriksciuniene, author of U gavÃnÃs (the name of the ancient spring festival), is part of a wider movement of Lithuanians who are trying to restore old celebrations. After three years of organizing pagan festivals, participants now number in the thousands. "It is important for people to celebrate and to remember how, where and when they are living", says Kriksciuniene "Pagan festivals represent an important association between culture, aesthetics, nature and beauty. It's very important for people to feel this connection with nature. Furthermore, we wouldn't be Lithuanian if we didn't have our traditions and our language".
Well, in Warsaw, Poland they are building, Center of Science Copernicus. On the roof of the building they plan to plant a grove mimicking those holy groves in Lithuania. Such holy groves were called mateczniki i.e. Places where life appeared spontaneously. Recall that the earliest name of matter was hyle (Homer's 'υλή ) lit. wood or timber. Let me remind here that when the Cracow University, in which Copernicus was studying, was inaugurated in the early 15th century by its rector Stanislas of Skalbmierz the building was adorned with branches as a Sanctuary of the sun god Apollo, five hundred years of Christianity in Poland notwithstanding. The ivy of the Ivy League colleges is a similar relict of the pagan cult. This center, of course, is supposed to commemorate pope John Paul II's rehabilitation of Copernican heliocentrism and, unfortunately, is strongly reminiscent of the Nazi post stamp issued by the Nazis in Generalgouvernement in 1943 to commemorate the four hundredth anniversary of publication of Copernicus's book. Baal on the Palestinian stamp was a parallel initiative. Click on the link to see Copernicus on the Nazi stamp faculty.kirkwood.edu/ryost/worldwartwo.htm
"The Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, saith; Behold, I will punish...the gods"
The prophets also prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit. Jer 2:8 And David came to Baal Perazim, and David smote them there; and he said: The Lord had broken my enemies before me, like the breach of waters. 2 Sam 5:20. Now a certain South African judge is branding Israeli soldiers as “war criminals” because they dared to destroy a Baal's sanctuary in Gaza.
On 25 May 1977 I delivered at the Polish Oriental Society a lecture about Geocentric Astronomy of the Book of Job –“He stretched out the North over the empty place and hangeth the earth upon nothing” (Job 26:7) – A heliocentric diagram from the period before Joshua’s conquest unearthed in Israel confirms that the ancient Jews knew the heliocentric system elaborated later by Pythagoras, but rejected it (The Babylonian epic Enuma Elish mentions that the sun god Marduk established the orbit of the earth around the sun). The Biblical Secretaries of God knew about the relativity of the sunlight and therefore could not accept the heliocentric sun as the Light of the World and a Visible God. My article “At the Sources of the Copernican Heliocentrism” was printed in the “Urania” 1/1981/LII, monthly of the Polish Association of the Friends of Astronomy. I pointed out in that paper that Copernicus did not prove immobility of the sun scientifically i.e. mathematically; rather he embraced the philosophical dogma that the sun being a god must rest (cp. Aristotle’s Unmoved Mover): “We conceive immobility to be nobler and more divine that mutability and instability, which latter is therefore more appropriate to the earth than to the universe. I add to this that it would seem quite absurd to attribute motion to that which contains and locates, rather than to that which is contained and located – namely, the earth.” (De revol. I, 8 Polish edition of 1976, p. 18) In 1898 Polish magazine Zycie (Life, II, 44, p. 579) published a 19th century Czech artist’s rendering of the Copernican heliolatry showing Earth goddess Gaia, a great planetary organism circling around the sun god. It was a parody of world-famous oil-painting by J. Matejko depicting Copernicus in “Conversation with God.” I published the results of my life-long researches in Blog4Brownback: Heliocentrism is an atheist Doctrine.
15 January 2008 18:02
Science bows to theology as the Pope dismantles Vatican observatory
By Peter Popham in Rome
Astronomical observatory that has been part of Castel Gandolfo, south of Rome, for more than 75 years has been dismantled. The new facility is located in a renovated monastery about one-and-a-half miles from its previous location inside the papal palace. Father Coyne tenure did not long outlast the reign of John Paul; he retired in August 2006.
Roman Pytel Ph.D. poles4israel
Franz Cumont in his Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans wrote: “From astronomical speculations the Chaldeans had deduced a whole system of religious dogmas. The sun, set in the midst of the superimposed planets, regulates their harmonious movements. As its heat impels them forward, then draws them back, it is constantly influencing, according to its various aspects, the direction of their course and their action upon the earth. Fiery heart of the world (Hegemonikon of the Stoics), it vivifies the whole of this great organism, and as the stars obey its command, it reigns supreme over the universe. The radiance of its splendor illuminates the divine immensity of the heavens, but at the same time in its brilliance there is intelligence; it is the origin of all reason, and, as a tireless sower it scatters unceasingly on the world below the seeds of a harvest of souls. Our brief life is but a particular form of the universal life…This coherent and magnificent theology, founded upon the discoveries of ancient astronomy in its zenith, gradually imposed on mankind the cult of the “Invincible Sun” as the master of all nature, creator and preserver of men.” sacredword.org/.../Projects/Projects.htm The white dress of Brahmins www.brahmins.com/
Heliocentrism as expressed by Pliny in his Natural History
“Upheld by the same vapor between earth and heaven, at definite spaces apart, hang the seven stars which owing to their motion we call 'planets,' although no stars wander less than they do. In the midst of these moves the sun, whose magnitude and power are the greatest, and who is the ruler not only of the seasons and of the lands, but even of the stars themselves and of the heaven. Taking into account all that he effects, we must believe him to be the soul, or more precisely the mind, of the whole world, the supreme ruling principle and divinity of nature. He furnishes the world with light and removes darkness, he obscures and he illumines the rest of the stars, he regulates in accord with nature's precedent the changes of the seasons and the continuous re-birth of the year, he dissipates the gloom of heaven and even calms the storm-clouds of the mind of man, he lends his light to the rest of the stars also; he is glorious and pre-eminent, all-seeing and even all-hearing – this, I observe, that Homer the prince of literature held to be true in the case of the sun alone.”(2-1)
Invicta Roma was the Empire of Sol Invictus or Kosmokrator (Ruler of the Cosmos) and as such was “destined to rule the whole world” (Virgil). When Rome succumbed to Jesus it did not embrace him as a Jewish teacher but as the sun god Helios (Apollo) whose halo used to symbolize divine rank of Roman emperors. For centuries, the Roman propaganda, especially Cicero’s, proclaimed that the Jews were “a nation born to servitude,” like all other conquered “barbarians”. The same author, while popularizing the Pythagorean heliocentrism in his Dream of Scipio speaks of the sun as “the Lord, chief and ruler of the other lights, the Mind and guiding principle of the universe.” The perennial Roman heliocentrism is reflected in the pagan wheel of the year on the surface of St. Peter's Square in front of St. Peter's Church (see www.canadafirst.net/our_heritrage/solstice/).
Here is the key passage from Copernicus's The Revolutions:
“In the center of all rests the Sun. For who would place this lamp of a very beautiful temple in another or better place than this from which it can illuminate everything at the same time? As a matter of fact, not unhappily do some call it the lantern, others, the mind, and still others, the Leader of the World. Trismegistus calls it ‘visible God’; Sophocles’ Electra, ‘that which gazes upon all things.’ And so the sun, as if resting on a kingly throne, governs the family of stars which wheel around.”
In Thomas Digges's translation of The Revolutions the sun is “like the king in the middest of al who reigneth and geeveth lawes of motion to ye rest.” In this translation the sun stands for abstract Nature, or the essential inherent force formed by the assumption of a single prima cause. In the world of Prime Mover character of man is produced by “gym rooms” or “boot camps”. This was also the doctrine of the English public schools in spite of the fact that human actions are not simply bodily movements. Natural man was a child of natural philosophy according to the dogma of natural selection.
Declaration of Father Melchior Inchofer, 1631
"We say, pronounce, sentence and declare that you, Galileo, by reason of these things which have been detailed in the trial and which you have confessed already, have rendered yourself according to this Holy Office vehemently suspect of heresy, namely of having held and believed a doctrine that is false and contrary to the divine and Holy Scripture: namely that Sun is the centre of the world and does not move from east to west, and that one may hold and defend as probable an opinion after it has been declared and defined contrary to Holy Scripture. Consequently, you have incurred all the censures and penalties enjoined and promulgated by the sacred Canons and all particular and general laws against such delinquents. We are willing to absolve you from them provided that first, with a sincere heart and unfeigned faith, in our presence you abjure, curse and detest the said errors and heresies, and every other error and heresy contrary to the Catholic and Apostolic Church in the manner and form we will prescribe to you. Furthermore, so that this grievous and pernicious error and transgression of yours may not go altogether unpunished, and so that you will be more cautious in future, and an example for others to abstain from delinquencies of this sort, we order that the book Dialogue of Galileo Galilei be prohibited by public edict. We condemn you to formal imprisonment in this Holy Office at our pleasure. As a salutary penance we impose on you to recite the seven penitential psalms once a week for the next three years...”
F. Cardinal of AscoliB. Cardinal GessiG. Cardinal BentivoglioF. Cardinal VerospiFr. D. Cardinal of CremonaM. Cardinal GinettiFr. Ant. s Cardinal of. S. Onofrio
These cardinals were “ignoramuses” said John Paul II
The Pope caped his speech, rehabilitating Galileo in 1992, with a generous tribute to Galileo the “theologian”: ‘Paradoxically, Galileo, a sincere believer, showed himself to be more perceptive in this regard than the theologians who opposed him.’ In January of 2008 Pope Benedict XVI had the astronomical observatory that has been part of Castel Gandolfo, south of Rome, for more than 75 years dismantled. Galileo had been exiled out of the Vatican.
P.K. Feyerabend commented on the Galileo affair as follows:
“The church at the time of Galileo was much more faithful to reason than Galileo himself, and also took into consideration the ethical and social consequences of Galileo's doctrine. Its verdict against Galileo was rational and just, and revisionism can be legitimized solely for motives of political opportunism.”(The Messy Relationship Between Religion and Science: Revisiting Galileo's Inquisition 2008). Which means that while rehabilitating Galileo, pope John Paul II disregarded the ethical and social consequences of his move. Pres. Clinton used this rehabilitation to introduce the law allowing the so-called partial birth abortions.
Half a century or so ago, the most authoritative encyclopedia of history in the U.S. listed Newton only once, and then only to indicate that he was made Warden of the Mint in 1696.(Gerald Holton Finding Favor with the Angel of the Lord: Notes Toward the Psychobiographical Study of sceintific Genius; in: The Interaction Between Science and Philosophy. Ed. By Y. Elkana. 1974. Atlantic Highlands, N.J., p.385) On Oct. 4, 1957 when the first sputnik was launched from the Soviet Union, the Soviet scientists assured that its speed and trajectory were calculated using Newton’s Laws, the same laws that Halley used to calculate the trajectory of his comet, which in 1986 abandoned its usual trajectory over the Northern Hemisphere and went instead to the Southern.
Kepler said that he understood perfectly how the Pythagoreans could believe that all the globes disseminated through Space were rational Intelligences¸facultates ratiocinativae, circulating around the Sun. According to Copernicus they were offspring of the sun god i.e. Reason of the World.
Masonic authority, Albert Pike writes: “If our conceptions of God are those of the ignorant, narrow minded, and vindictive Israelite…we feel that it is an affront and an indignity to God” (Morals and Dogma page 223) This Confederate Brigadier General, in the same book taught that Jehovah is the phallus, Jesus is the vagina, and the Holy Ghost is the sperm of the Godhead! Accordingly, Father Coyne John Paul's Astronomer Royal recognized stars as god's sperm And here is how A. Pike reconstructed in the same book Copernicus's pagan beliefs coded in the above passage and thus restored the teachings of the Global pagan solar religion:
1. “The Sun, Archimagus, worshipped as Mithras, the Mediator, the Invincible. “ (p. 612)
2. “The Sun and Moon of the Alchemists give stability to the Philosophical Stone…” (p. 776)
3. “Sun and Moon considered the cause of the generation of the earth…” (p. 475)
4.”Sun and Moon are the emblems of the two Divine sexes…” (p. 305)
5. “The Sun, called Heliogabalus, and adored under the form of a black stone (like Kaaba!)” (p. 775)
6. “The Sun God finally victorious over the serpent.” (p. 496)
7. “The Sun God rides on the winged horse, but the Serpent bites the horse’s heels.” (p. 499)
8. ”…traces of the worship of the Sun yet linger in all religions.” (p. 483)
9. “You have…heard much of the ancient worship of the Sun, the Moon, and other bright luminaries of
Heaven, and of the Elements and Powers of Universal Nature.” (p. 583)
10. “Faith…was represented by the Sun.” (p. 727)
11. “The Sun was figuratively said to die and be born again at the Winter Solstice.” (p. 464)
Click on the below link to see Masonic sun god exhibited in the Boston Masonic Temple www.curatedobject.us/.../exhibitions_boston/
Well, the Polish Masonic Lodge is called Copernicus and its Italian counterpart – Galileo.
Arthur Koestler in his Sleepwalker observed:” The dials on the laboratory panels are turning into another version of the shadows in the cave. Our hypnotic enslavement to the numerical aspects of reality has dulled our perception of non-quantitative moral values; the resultant end-justified-the-means ethics may be a major factor in our undoing. Conversely, the example of Plato's obsession with perfect spheres, of Aristotle's arrow propelled by the surrounding air, the 48 epicycles of Canon Koppernigk, and his moral cowardice, Tycho's mania of grandeur, Kepler's sun-spokes, Galileo's confidence tricks, and Descartes' pituitary soul, may have some sobering effect on the worshipers of the new Baal, lording it over the moral vacuum with his electronic brain.” (525)
“The minority, the ruling class at present, has the schools and press, usually the Church as well, under its thumb. This enables it to organize and sway the emotions of the masses, and make its tool of them.” - letter to Sigmund Freud, 1932
Esoteric festivals with crowds in the tens of thousands are growing in popularity in the Copernican World
Theosophy which became the surrogate religion of Anglo-American intellectual elites is dreaming about “the day when the mind of the western race has broken away from Mosaic chronology and Mosaic ideas of man and nature.” (See William W. Judge The Ocean of Theosophy. 1893, p.62) And that explains their admiration for men like A. Hitler or Ahmadinejad who speaks so eagerly about wiping Israel off the map.
In the UK, Brighton proudly wears the title these days - Capital of Occulture. This year's Occulture festivities began on July 19th and exhibited bigger than ever venues - sacred music and dance, clairvoyance, psychic and tarot readers, chakra, traditional witchcraft, tattooing, piercing, fetish Satanism, shamanism, transcendent techniques, and lectures favoring paganism from the original Book of Shadows.(This Occulture is a continuation of the 19th Century Occult Revival. Described by Barbra Aho in her Online paper titled The 19th Cenury Occult Revival. The Legacy of Westcott and Hort.I)
Marquee this year was the 'Pleasure Dome" where magicians, sorcerers and witches discussed their trade, including Mogg Morgon, founder of the Golden Dawn Occult Society, Ralph Harvey, a prominent Wiccan High Priest, and Emrys, a Shaman of the Cromlech Covenant.
According to the Occulture Festival's News Page, Mark Ramsden, an accomplished jazz musician with deep interest in the occult was this year's compere. "Old Occulture hands may remember Mark from the infamous Black Friday 2001 - 'a night of dark lascivious delights'" - the website says.
"...the new Archbishop of Canterbury was inducted as a druid in a 200-year-old ceremony with pagan roots in Wales. As the sun rose over a circle of Pembrokeshire bluestones, the Archbishop of Wales, the Most Rev Dr Rowan Williams, donned a long white cloak while druids chanted a prayer to the ancient god and goddess of the land. After a trumpet fanfare and the thrice partial sheathing and unsheathing of a 6ft 6in sword, a citation was read. Dr Williams closed his hands in prayer while the archdruid, wearing a crown and shield over his bardic robes, enfolded them in his own and utter words of welcome. That was the moment that Dr Williams, who adopted a new, bardic name, was accepted into the white druidic order, the highest of three orders of the Gorsedd of Bards, the Welsh body of poets, musicians, writers and artists. The Mistress of the Robes, Sian Aman, then clothed him in a druidic white headdress, and a steward led him to join the other assembled druids inside a sacred circle.
“Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue about that; I'm right and I will be proved right. We're more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first-rock 'n' roll or Christianity. Jesus was all right but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It's them twisting it that ruins it for me.” - Lennon's interview in The Evening Standard, 1966
In the U.S., the number of earth-worshiping pagans at the Burning Man Festivals have grown to tens of thousands. People come from Canada, Brazil, Germany, Russia, and 25 other countries to an isolated corner of Black Rock Desert in Nevada, where other Wiccans, Satanists, goddesses, nudists, and a consortium of party-goers converge on the hot Nevada desert for a Labor Day weekend of "glorious Hell on earth."
Recent Burning Man festivals included The Floating World, based on the New Age concept that "Reality is so big we must protect ourselves from it.... Our little worlds, in truth, are ships that float upon a sea," the Chaos Cabaret, a dinner theater devoted to celebrating the two purest forms of chaos: the Maelstrom (a violent, disordered, turbulent state bursting with activity) and the Abyss ( an immeasurable place of the damned), "Motel 666", and "Crucifixion With a Celebrity" where one could purchase a picture of a crucified obese Elvis while eating hamburgers sold by devil-worshipers at the McSatan cafe wearing T-shirts that proudly proclaimed, "Praise The Whore!"
The spirit of the occult has existed since the beginning of time. Like an insidious cancer—unseen, patient, deadly—it has grown. Indications of its presence have been felt occasionally, and confirmations of its actuality have been documented from Brighton to Washington D.C.
As we approach the culmination of the “new order of the ages,” cult experts forecast a continuing revival of such mysticism. While church attendance continues to decline across the United States and Britain, adherents of the occult expand their "services" to meet the desires and mystical interests of a spiritually hungry world.
New Age expert Judy Vorfeld says, “Dabbling in the realm of the occult is currently stylish. Even some Christians seem unable to avoid the attraction of this colorful, seductive world.”
She's right. From Burning Man festivals to public school Environmental Education to faddish television good-guys and bad-girls, today’s generation is lapping up as much New Age Occultianity as they can get their hands on. Whether it's comic book heroes that teach youth the dangerous Persephonian idea that a person can be in league with the devil and still be a good person, or the syncretistic goals of the Occulture Festival and Burning Man, the glowing fire of pagan revival can no longer be denied.
From a Biblical point of view, powerful and ancient entities are behind the revival of paganism. In the air above and the earth beneath are nefarious progenitors of esoteric mysticism. “Demons” to some and “gods” to others, such forces have numerous titles. They can appear in hideous forms or as beautiful angels of light. They are the “wicked spirits” (poneria: the collective body of demon soldiers comprising Satan’s hordes), “rulers of darkness” (kosmokrators: governing spirits of darkness), “powers” (exousia: high ranking powers of evil), and “principalities” (arche: commanding generals over Satan’s fallen army) of Ephesians 6:12.
In Harmonics, Book IV, last chapter, Kepler discussed an additional reason for the ebb and flow of the tide. If the demons undertake their work when the moon is favorable, its presence in the shadow will aid their efforts with the magnetic pull of a kindred body.”
As the "gods and goddesses" of the underworld, the demons live today and encourage mysticism among pagans, witches, New Agers and even church-goers in at least the following ways:
Aphrodite—sensuality, fertility rites, wiccan rituals, sacred prostitution. (Mighty Aphrodite)
Amun-Ra—masturbation, self realization, environmentalism, Darwinism.
Apis—animal worship, animal rights, animal channeling, occultianity.
Apollo—humanism, oracles, channeling, psychics, drugs, visualization, “Trip to the Moon on the broom*”.
*The radical lesbian feminist Mary Daly, a brilliant woman who has become totally committed to this new worldview. In her various books, like Pure Lust and another one called Outercourse: The Be-Dazzling Voyage, she describes the meeting of radical witch feminists on the other side of the moon. Thousands of liberated women from the past and the present are gathered on the other side of the moon… you understand this is just playful… and in this gathering there is enormous rage against patriarchy.
Artemis—goddess worship, animal worship, animal rights, lesbianism.
Asclepius—holistic medicine, psychic dreaming, spirit-guide animals.
Athene—goddess worship, feminism, the spirituality movement, lesbianism.
Baal*—oracles, polytheism, abortion**, fertility issues.
*Not a single pro-abortion Catholic politician has been excommunicated from the church during John Paul II's pontificate; only a handful of openly heretical priests were asked to stop teaching theology, but were otherwise permitted to exercise their priestly ministry unhindered.
Demeter—environmental education, earth worship, goddess worship.
Dionysus—drunkenness, freudianism, ecstasy, pornography, lesbianism, abortion*.
Changing Islam into New Age
Dr. Abdul Aziz al-Rantisi, Hamas's second in command used to argue that Allah - many times wrongly translated as 'God' - is not the God of the Bible, nor the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Allah is another deity, one who drinks blood as water, who loves jihad and terror, and promises virgins in his so-called paradise to those who kill Jews - the more the better. Accordingly, we learn from a Palestinian post stamp that the true god of Palestine is Baal-Zephon who was a principal mighty one of Ugait or Ras Shamra, and of the Canaanite people who lived in that area of Syria. (The Palestinian assassin of the Jordanian prime minister Wasfi Tal, Manzur Khalifa, knelt down to lap up blood from the pool spreading beneath Tal's body. His lower face smeared red, Khalifa shouted: 'I am proud! Finally I have done it.)
Baal was originally, it appears, associated with specific places and sanctuaries; in Ugarit temple he is equated with Dagon (half-fish, half-man the first-born of philosophical evolution). Ball was also known as the sun idol, Baal-Hannan. He had received the name Hannan, or the “grace”. (Hislop in his two Baylons observed: “From the historian Castor (in Armenian translation of Eusebius, pars. I, p. 81) we learn that it was under Bel, or Belus, that is Baal, that the Cyclops lived; and the Scholiast on Æschylus [chapter II, section II, sub-section I, note 22] states that these Cyclops were the brethren of Kronos, who was also Bel or Bal, as we have elsewhere seen [chapter II, section II, sub-section I]. The eye in their forehead shows that originally this name was a name of the great god, for that eye in India and Greece is found the characteristic of the supreme divinity. The Cyclops, then, had been representatives of that God—in other words, priests, and priests of Bel or Bal. Now, we find that the Cyclops were well-known as cannibals, Referre ritus Cyclopum, "to bring back the rites of the Cyclops," meaning to revive the practice of eating human flesh. (Ovid, Metam., XV, 93, Vol. II, p. 132. The term cannibal is derived from Cahna-Baal, priest of Baal. A Cross in a circle was the symbol of the sun god Baal. Pagan Rome of old offered human sacrifices to Baal on the crosses)
"They shall mistake Baal for the God of Israel "(Hosea 2:16).
Eye of Horus, a symbol of occult illumination hovered over Anne Emmerich on an Augustinian website. Following an expose on the Internet, the Augustinians cropped the Eye of Horus from the original picture. (See attached picture). Recall that the myth of Horus is a distortion of the Genesis account of God's judgment on the Tower of Babel. Not happy with this arrangement, New Agers anticipate the return of Horus as the reincarnation of Nimrod who will at last unite mankind in a victorious rebellion against God. (Gen. 10 and 11). The Gilgamesh Epic describes the first "God is dead" movement
Where will the revival of paganism lead?
Billy Graham says, “Lucifer, our archenemy, controls one of the most powerful and well-oiled war machines in the universe. He controls principalities, powers, and dominions. Every nation, city, village, and individual has felt the hot breath of his evil power. He is already gathering the nations of the world for the last great battle in the war against Christ—Armageddon.”
The "old gods" of the underworld will be destroyed by Yahweh. "The Lord will be terrible unto them: for he will famish all the gods of the earth" (Zeph. 2:11). "The Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, saith; Behold, I will punish...the gods" (Jer. 46:25). Yahweh will also punish the leader of the gods, that old serpent, called the Devil, and his human followers.
To the physician of the Emperor Julian, the Byzantine ruler who tried to restore paganism after Christianity had become the official religion of the Byzantine Empire, the god Apollo sent message: "Tell the King," said the oracle, "that the curiously built temple has fallen to the ground, that bright Apollo no longer has a roof over his head, or prophetic laurel, or babbling spring. Yes, even the murmuring water has dried up."
It is more than a thousand years since the Bulgarian people, who, emerging from obscurity, suddenly became famous through the late Russo-Turkish war, were converted to Christianity. And yet they appear none the less pagans than they were before, for this is how they meet Christmas and the New Year's day. To this time, they call this festival Survaki, as it falls in with the festival in honor of the ancient Slavonian god Surva. In the Slavonian mythology this deity Surva -- evidently identical with the Aryan Surya, the sun, is the god of heat, fertility, and abundance. The celebration of this festival is of an immense antiquity, as, far before the days of Christianity, the Bulgarians worshiped Surva, and consecrated New Year's day to this god, praying him to bless their fields with fertility, and send them happiness and prosperity. This custom has remained among them in all its primitives heathenism, and though it varies according to localities, yet the rites and ceremonies are essentially the, same. In their prayers they address the god Surva “Our Father who art in heaven.”
The Lithuanian Group Romuva was first established in 1928, taking its name from an ancient holy place. Soviets destroyed this group, although some secret activities continued in Siberian work camps during Stalin's rule. Trinkunas reestablished the group in 1967, and now there are about 200 members. Today the group is concerned with scientific problems and research, as well as worship. They also maintain contacts with pagan groups all over the Europe. Beyond this "hard-core" group, an interest in Lithuanian traditions has fueled a broader revival of the symbols, songs and arts that find their roots in paganism. Inge Kriksciuniene, author of U gavÃnÃs (the name of the ancient spring festival), is part of a wider movement of Lithuanians who are trying to restore old celebrations. After three years of organizing pagan festivals, participants now number in the thousands. "It is important for people to celebrate and to remember how, where and when they are living", says Kriksciuniene "Pagan festivals represent an important association between culture, aesthetics, nature and beauty. It's very important for people to feel this connection with nature. Furthermore, we wouldn't be Lithuanian if we didn't have our traditions and our language".
Well, in Warsaw, Poland they are building, Center of Science Copernicus. On the roof of the building they plan to plant a grove mimicking those holy groves in Lithuania. Such holy groves were called mateczniki i.e. Places where life appeared spontaneously. Recall that the earliest name of matter was hyle (Homer's 'υλή ) lit. wood or timber. Let me remind here that when the Cracow University, in which Copernicus was studying, was inaugurated in the early 15th century by its rector Stanislas of Skalbmierz the building was adorned with branches as a Sanctuary of the sun god Apollo, five hundred years of Christianity in Poland notwithstanding. The ivy of the Ivy League colleges is a similar relict of the pagan cult. This center, of course, is supposed to commemorate pope John Paul II's rehabilitation of Copernican heliocentrism and, unfortunately, is strongly reminiscent of the Nazi post stamp issued by the Nazis in Generalgouvernement in 1943 to commemorate the four hundredth anniversary of publication of Copernicus's book. Baal on the Palestinian stamp was a parallel initiative. Click on the link to see Copernicus on the Nazi stamp faculty.kirkwood.edu/ryost/worldwartwo.htm
"The Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, saith; Behold, I will punish...the gods"
The prophets also prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit. Jer 2:8 And David came to Baal Perazim, and David smote them there; and he said: The Lord had broken my enemies before me, like the breach of waters. 2 Sam 5:20. Now a certain South African judge is branding Israeli soldiers as “war criminals” because they dared to destroy a Baal's sanctuary in Gaza.
On 25 May 1977 I delivered at the Polish Oriental Society a lecture about Geocentric Astronomy of the Book of Job –“He stretched out the North over the empty place and hangeth the earth upon nothing” (Job 26:7) – A heliocentric diagram from the period before Joshua’s conquest unearthed in Israel confirms that the ancient Jews knew the heliocentric system elaborated later by Pythagoras, but rejected it (The Babylonian epic Enuma Elish mentions that the sun god Marduk established the orbit of the earth around the sun). The Biblical Secretaries of God knew about the relativity of the sunlight and therefore could not accept the heliocentric sun as the Light of the World and a Visible God. My article “At the Sources of the Copernican Heliocentrism” was printed in the “Urania” 1/1981/LII, monthly of the Polish Association of the Friends of Astronomy. I pointed out in that paper that Copernicus did not prove immobility of the sun scientifically i.e. mathematically; rather he embraced the philosophical dogma that the sun being a god must rest (cp. Aristotle’s Unmoved Mover): “We conceive immobility to be nobler and more divine that mutability and instability, which latter is therefore more appropriate to the earth than to the universe. I add to this that it would seem quite absurd to attribute motion to that which contains and locates, rather than to that which is contained and located – namely, the earth.” (De revol. I, 8 Polish edition of 1976, p. 18) In 1898 Polish magazine Zycie (Life, II, 44, p. 579) published a 19th century Czech artist’s rendering of the Copernican heliolatry showing Earth goddess Gaia, a great planetary organism circling around the sun god. It was a parody of world-famous oil-painting by J. Matejko depicting Copernicus in “Conversation with God.” I published the results of my life-long researches in Blog4Brownback: Heliocentrism is an atheist Doctrine.
15 January 2008 18:02
Science bows to theology as the Pope dismantles Vatican observatory
By Peter Popham in Rome
Astronomical observatory that has been part of Castel Gandolfo, south of Rome, for more than 75 years has been dismantled. The new facility is located in a renovated monastery about one-and-a-half miles from its previous location inside the papal palace. Father Coyne tenure did not long outlast the reign of John Paul; he retired in August 2006.
Roman Pytel Ph.D. poles4israel
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