Philosopher M. Polanyi observed, “Newtonian physics and Darwin’s notion of the survival of the fittest were key elements both in the Marxist concepts of class warfare and of racial philosophies which shaped Hitlerism and scientific world view.” Scientific world view gave birth to both Hitlerism and Stalinism.
“He stretched out the North over the empty place and hangeth the earth upon nothing” (Job 26:7)
A heliocentric diagram from the period before Joshua’s conquest unearthed in Israel confirms that the ancient Jews knew the heliocentric system elaborated later by Pythagoras, but rejected it (The Babylonian epic Enuma Elish mentions that the sun god Marduk established the orbit of the earth around the sun). The Biblical Secretaries of God knew about the relativity of the sunlight and therefore could not accept the heliocentric sun as the Light of the World and a Visible God.
Constantine seemed to see no conflict between Christianity and the predominant Roman sun-centered worship. So, he instituted the celebration of Christ’s birthday on Dec. 25, the feast of the birth of the sun god. Copernicus’s sun god seated on the royal throne ruling the family of stars meant the restoration of Sol Invictus to his rights over Christ. The night in the Bible is not because the sun sets down:
Thou makest darkness, and it is night (Ps. 104:20)
Constantine considered the sun to be “Light of the world” according to the reception abilities of human eyes. This shortcoming of the empirical method is exposed when one turns to the Bible. In the Biblical account the light was created before the sun (Gen 1:3 and 1:16). What is darkness for a human eye is light for many species like a galago, a small African animal that is active at night. Some plants open their flowers only in nights. The works of God are manifold. Heavens, indeed, do proclaim Glory of God!
On the 16th of August 1820, the Congregation of the Holy Office reported that Settele, the professor of astronomy at Rome and Washington might teach (Venia legendi) the Copernican system as truth established. This meant promotion of T.Paine’s anti-Semitism based on his admiration for philosophical heliocentrism and contempt for “barbarity” of Jewish Biblical culture. Quite recently Pope John Paul II recognized evolutionary hypothesis also as truth established.
Friedrich Engels knew that the Copernican connection to Darwinism was indispensable to the communist agenda. When Marx finished his first volume of Das Kapital he offered to dedicate it to Darwin. Darwin’s book had given God "the death blow", he exulted to Lassalle. So, while Marx was stressing that Darwin’s evolution ideas provided a "basis" for Communist ideology "in natural history" Engels was simultaneously connecting evolution to the older "basis" of Communism before Darwin, i.e., the Copernican "basis" that had already accomplished widespread erosion of belief in Bible Creationism in the years leading up to the failed Communist Revolution attempt in 1848. One writer summed up this ongoing dual emphasis, whereby Engels in particular continued to hammer home the point that... " of the basic theses of dialectical materialism [communism], is the inseparability of movement from matter (i.e. pantarei)...." Teaching the self-movement of matter received its full development in the dialectical materialism (communism) of Marx, Engels, and Lenin." On his desk, Lenin had a statue displayed in a “prominent position for all to see…its vivid presence dominated the room.” It was a “bronze statue of an ape gazing at an oversized human skull.” This symbolized the evolutionary core of Lenin’s atheism.
Let me remind here that V. Lenin’s Materialism and Empiriocriticism was inspired by an early apologist of Galileo, the Carmelitan friar T. Campanella’s Philosophy Demonstrated by the Senses (Philosophia sensibus demonstrata. Naples 1589). Campanella and his disciple Lenin stressed the necessity for human experience as a basis for philosophy, which excludes God’s Revelation as the source of human knowledge. The work resulted in his arrest, trial, and imprisonment for heresy. His release month later was granted on the condition that he returns to Calabria, but he went instead to Padua, where he met Galileo. There he was arrested and charged with sodomy. Sent to Rome for trial, in 1596 he renounced the heresy of which he had been accused. It was a game mimicking Plato’s renouncing his own theories and inspiring Galileo renouncing of his. In 1599 Campanella became the spiritual leader of a communist plot to overthrow Spanish rule in Calabria. He became a prisoner of the Spanish Inquisition (1599-1626)
It is worth reminding here that in Campanella’s utopia Civitatis Solis women are communistically shared and sternly disciplined. They are required to take active exercise (gyms), which “gives them a clear complexion.” Children are brought up in common and are psychologically prepared for a communistic sharing of goods. The religion of these people is a worship of the sun as the “face and living image of God.” “They assert that the whole earth will come to live in accordance with their customs.” The Vatican was the first to recognize the government of the Soviets.
Matter is forever
In the Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences Galileo affirmed the indestructibility of matter. He professed his Copernican faith in a lecture at Pisa in 1604.
The Soviet physicist, A. Sakharov confirmed this dogma of Galileo when he “discovered” the secret of the “solar phoenix”, or strictly materialistic principle of “the spontaneous recreation, or “resurrection” of energy such as takes place in the sun’s core.” The “solar phoenix” reminded of ancient Roman Helios in his capacity as Restitutor Orbis, or the Japanese sun goddess Amateratsu Omikami. According to the view of the state Shinto scholar Moto-Ori Norinaga Japan, having been created at the behest of the sun goddess, was therefore the greatest nation in the world. The emperor, by virtue of his direct descent from the sun goddess, enjoyed a divine right to rule. Also, A. Sakharov spoke about the premeditated genetic concoction of a super race, by which he meant the Russian or Aryan race.
In the 11 October 1988 issue of the Russian-language newspaper Youth of Estonia the famous Soviet physicist A. Sakharov gave what was to be the most revealing interview in his life. He reminded the words of A. Eichmann about the “ecstasy of his realizing that to him and him alone, the simple son of a German villager, should fall the lost of carrying out so great a project.”
On Feb. 9, 1989, A. Sakharov traveled to Italy where he spent more than an hour in private audience with the Pope and received an honorary doctorate in astronomy from the University of Bologna. Rector of the University said on this occasion: “Not by chance has he (Sakharov) been placed in the company of Copernicus, of Galileo and of Giordano Bruno. Not by chance is the book chosen for the laureation of A. Sakharov The Dialogue of the Two Greatest Systems by Galileo: a choice meant to recall the spirit of liberty…A. Sakharov and his wife then went to Canada and the USA.
If the U.S. Supreme Court can affirm in a 7-2 decision that some act or other is unconstitutional because it “impermissibly endorses religion by advancing the religious belief that a supernatural Being created humankind” what should we think about such hypocritical assurances as “In God We Trust” and “God Bless America”?
In what sense did Copernicus’s book justify the Final Solution of the Jewish problem? Many theologians felt that the Copernican astronomy was so clearly incompatible with the Bible that if it prevailed the Bible would lose authority and Christianity itself would suffer. What would happen to the fundamental Christian belief that God had chosen this earth as His human home – this earth now to be shorn of its primacy and dignity, to be set loose among planets so many times larger than itself, and among innumerable stars? By negating Christian tradition of Europe Copernicus removed the one and only obstacle, which stood in the way of the racial solution of the Jewish question. Indeed, the Holocaust did occur at a time when the Bible had definitively lost its power over men’s hearts. Copernican science enabled Hitler to proclaim that the Bible was “Jewish folklore and therefore contemptible nonsense”.
In paper after paper, the French Jesuit worked, Teilhard de Chardin worked out his ideas, mourning his Church’s unwillingness to incorporate what Science had discovered into its understanding of the world, criticizing the “geocentrity” to which she clung psychologically for four hundred years after she had ceased to support it astronomically, and rebuking those religious thinkers who recognized nothing new under the sun since “instantaneous creation.” De Chardin wrote: “Christianity’s only chance to grow lay in her being born again among the Gentiles because only the Gentiles had retained their pagan taste for the earth.” (By hugging the earth on his innumerable pilgrimages John Paul II demonstrated this pagan taste for the earth). De Chardin was delirious when he learned that a study of religious observance in France compiled in 1943 (when the Nazis issued the stamp bearing the likeness of Copernicus) by Abbes Godin and Daniele, proved that 84% of the people were “paganized.” All the French bishops and cardinals collaborated with the Nazis. The Primate of Poland Card. Hlond was their guest of honor during WWII.
Teilhard de Chardin used to write hymns to Matter (the Kaba may be one of its symbols) instead of hymns to God. Here is one of them:
Praise to you, harsh Matter…dangerous
Matter…which one day will be dissolved with us
And carry us into the Heart of Reality…
Battering us and dressing our wounds…
Struggling before You yield to us…destroying and
Building, smashing and liberating…
Seeds of our souls, Hand of God…
I bless You.
De Chardin was the only Roman Catholic author whose works were on public display with those of Marx and Lenin in Moscow’s Hall of Atheism. De Chardin shared the English Jesuit George Tyrrel’s opinion, that “the Church might have to die in order that it may live again in a greater and greater form.” The Roman Church must therefore perish like every other abortive attempt to discover a universal religion as Catholic as Science. In his writings, Jesus is diminished to pygmy size. “We cannot frame our minds to that of a first century Jewish carpenter,” he wrote.
J. Streicher, the publisher of anti-Semitic and pornographic Der Stürmer considered the Bible pornographic literature and had no use even for Christ because he was a Jew. An article published in Der Stürmer on March 19, 1942 complained that Christian teaching had stood in the way of a “racial solution of the Jewish question in Europe” and quoted as a rallying call the Führer proclamation: “the Jew will be exterminated.” The Nazis commemorated the four hundredth anniversary of publication of Copernicus’s The Revolution in 1943 by issuing a post stamp in the occupied part of Poland called Generalgouvernement bearing Copernicus’s likeness (the young seminarian K. Wojtyła used to put this stamp on his letters). In the same year the Poles could hear the triumphant tone of the news: “The Jews have disappeared from Europe,” and the “reservoir of the East from which the Jewish plague has for centuries beset the people of Europe has cased to exist!” This propaganda was an answer to the postulate of the Polish “underground” press, which demanded, “burning out the revolutionary, wandering Jew until his ashes will have fertilized the barren wastes of the Jewish soul.” This and other facts, like burning Jews in barns inspired Hay (Europe and the Jews) with such a reflection: “German responsibility for these crimes, however, overwhelming it may be, is only a secondary responsibility which has grafted itself like a hideous parasite, upon a secular tradition, which is a Christian tradition. How can one forget, that Christianity, chiefly from the 11th century has employed against Jews a policy of degradation and of pogroms, which has extended – among certain Christian people into contemporary history, which can be observed still alive to-day in most Catholic Poland, and of which the Hitlerian system has been only a copy, atrociously perfected.”
Christopher West / Dr. Alice von Hildebrand
Denver, Colo., May 12, 2009 / 12:48 am (CNA).- Renowned Catholic thinker Dr. Alice von Hildebrand has criticized Theology of the Body speaker Christopher West, saying his approach has become too self-assured. She criticized his presentations as irreverent and insensitive to the “tremendous dangers” of concupiscence.
The news segment showed him calling for Catholics to complete “what the sexual revolution began.” He also described “very profound” historical connections between Hugh Hefner and Pope John Paul II.
The Queen of the Universe ueber alles
In an anthology of scientific papers Kopernikus-Forschungen published in Leipzig in 1943 Eugen Brachvogel in the chapter entitled. Griechische und deutscher Geist in der kopernikanischen Anordnung der Planeten described how Copernicus's heliocentrism destroyed the teaching of the Bible in the words: “In einer Zeit, da Raffaels (1483-1529) Kunst im Kuppelmosaik der Kapelle Chigi in der Kirche S. Maria del popolo zu Rom noch einmal den mittelalterlichen, die Gestirne bewegenden Geisteswesen die Herrschaft über die Wandelsterne verlieh, hatte also im kleinen Frauenburg ein Denkgewaltiger die königliche Tagesleuchte als Alleinherrscherin der sie umkreisenden Gestirne erkannt, und sie auf ihren Thron im hehren Tempelbau der himmlischen Harmonien erhoben. Keine Gestirnwesen mehr, kein Kristallhimmel und kein Feuerhimmel mehr jenseits der Fixsterne, kein Bibelglaube und keine theologische Lehrmeiningen gaben diesem Weltbild Gestalt und Leben. Inmitten des unbewegten Fixsternhimmels thronte in majestätischer Ruhe die Königin des Weltalls, (In German language the sun is feminine die Sonne) um ihr lebenspendendes Licht bis zu den äußersten Grenzen des Himmelgewölbes hinauszusenden und mit der Kraft ihrer Wärme den kreisenden Lauf der Gestirne zu lenken. So hatte es der Späher auf der Sternwarte Frauenburgs droben über dem weiten Rund von Wellen and Wipfeln erschaut and erprobt. Die falschen Vorausberechnungen der Gestirnstellungen, wie sie in den Kalendern die Leute narrten, mussten nun aufhören, da ihre falsche Grundlage entdeckt war.”
This pagan religion had been ridiculed by Pope Benedict XVI, who in his paper “Reconciling Gospels and Torah: Catechism” ( reminded in an obvious allusion to the Brachvogel's Nazi religion the words of a German religious hymn: “Die Sonne ist des himmels Ehr, doch dein Gesetz, Herr, noch viel mehr.” In other words, it is God who created Heaven and Earth who rules the universe and not the Copernican Sun Queen .
Heliocentrism as ecumenical base with Islam
The best map of John Paul II’s philosophical personality was provided by himself, a few days before Christmas 1979. He was speaking in Rome at his alma mater, the Angelicum University, which he attended in 1946-8. In the presence of a group of old curial dignitaries John Paul II affirmed his commitment to the “perennial philosophy” of St. Thomas Aquinas referred to as the Angelic Doctor.The Copernican heliocentrism was long in the making. Thomas Aquinas’s Summa contra Gentiles was written to help missionaries who were trying to convert the Moors of Spain. In it, Aquinas, as it is erroneously believed, combats the naturalistic philosophy of the educated Moslems. He knew that it was the fight against the religious heritage of the Hebrew Bible, which united the Roman Catholics and the Muslims. On this political premise, the 12th-century Arab philosopher Averroes based his criticism of the Ptolemaic system and of the Biblical geocentrism for that matter: “Therefore new research work is necessary in order to find the “true” astronomy, which can be derived from the true principles of physics. As a matter of fact, today there is no astronomy at all, and what we call astronomy is in agreement with our computations but not with the physical reality.” Popular myth saw Averroes as a vile atheist. Thomas Aquinas’s judgment of the Ptolemaic system sounds as a paraphrase of Averroes’s criticism: “The assumptions made by the astronomers are not necessarily true. Although these hypotheses seem to be in agreement with the observed phenomena we must not claim that they are true. Perhaps one could explain the observed motion of the celestial bodies in a different way which has not been discovered up to this time.”
Heliocentrism – Astronomy for Huris
Let me quote here a short passage from book Apology pro Galileo (Frankfort 1622) written by T. Campanella, a Carmelitan monk and an early apologist of Galileo: “Galileo also says that water exists on the Moon and the planets, which cannot be. These bodies are incorruptible, for do not all scholastics contend with Aristotle that they endure without change throughout all time? He describes lands and mountains in the Moon and other celestial globes, and not only vilifies immeasurably the homes of the angels, but lessens our hope regarding Heaven. If the four elements which form our world exist in the stars, it follows from the doctrine of Galileo that, as Mohammed declared, there are many worlds with lands and seas, and with human inhabitants. However, Scripture speaks of only one world and of one created man, so that this belief is opposed to Scripture. I pass without comment the opinion that Galileo has revived the heresy that Christ must make atonement for the men who inhabit the stars, and die there again; just as formerly it was said that Christ must be crucified a second time in the antipodes, if the men living there were to be saved as we have been saved.”
Once, that Copernicanism achieved lift-off others began to embrace similar ideas about extraterrestrialism. Kepler provides one of the better-known examples. Writing of alleged moon dwellers, he said that they: “…have no settled dwellings, no fixed habitation: they wander in hordes over the whole globe in the space of one of their days…then they creep into caves…since we regard the spotted parts of the moon as cultivated, we shall assume that wild and barbaric bands of robbers inhabit the rough and mountainous territory…”
Heliocentrism the “scientific” base of Palestinian state: Baal vs YHWH
An artifact unearthed in the holy of holies of the pagan temple in the Canaanite city of Hatzor, in northern Israel, is described as follows: “Of special interest is a square basalt altar for burning incense. On one of its sides, a circle with a cross in the center – the divine symbol of the Canaanite storm god – is carved in low relief.” “…a basalt offering table, pillar-shaped, with a carved symbol of the storm god Baal on its side. The symbol was a circle with a cross in the center.” (Israel Ministry of Foreign Affiars, Hatzor: “The Head of all those Kingdoms”)
2 Ki 23:11 And he took away the horses that the King of Judah had given to the sun, at the entering in of the house of the Lord, by the chamber of Nathanmelech the chamberlain, which was in the suburbs, and burned the chariots of the sun with fire. The Catholic translations of Is 27:9 (So that the Asherim and the sun images shall rise no more) avoid the term ‘sun-images’ replacing it by ‘objects of cult’.
A Roman coin from the 3rd century A.D. (Emperor Probus, A.D. 276-282) depicts on the reverse the pagan sun god driving a chariot drawn by four horses (Sol in Quadriga). The inscription reads SOLI INVICTO – The Invincible Sun.
A similar mosaic was found in the Vatican grottoes under St. Peter’s Basilica, on a vaulted ceiling of the tomb of the Julii. It depicts Christ as the sun god Helios/Sol riding in his chariot, and is dated to the 3rd century A.D. In other words, Christ was turned into the solar Baal.
Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only tactical purposes.
The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel ... -- Zuheir Muhsin, late Military Department head of the PLO and member of
its Executive Council, Dutch daily Trouw, March 1977
Palestinian Ambassador to Lebanon Abbas Zaki: Two-State Solution
Will Lead to the Collapse of Israel (May 14, 2009, Memri)
"They talk about a two-state solution, and when that is achieved... Even Ahmadinejad, leader of the rejectionists throughout the region, said he supports a two-state solution. Nobody fools anybody. "With the two-state solution, in my opinion, Israel will collapse, because if they get out of Jerusalem, what will become of all the talk about the Promised Land and the Chosen People? What will become of all the sacrifices they made – just to be told to leave? They consider Jerusalem to have a spiritual status. The Jews consider Judea and Samaria to be their historic dream. If the Jews leave those places, the Zionist idea will begin to collapse. It will regress of its own accord. Then we will move forward."
Dr. Rantisi, Hamas's dead leader used to argue that Allah - many times wrongly translated as 'God' - is not the God of the Bible, nor the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Allah is another deity, one who drinks blood as water, who loves jihad and terror, and promises virgins in his so-called paradise to those who kill Jews - the more the better. Accordingly, we learn from a Palestinian post stamp that the true god of Palestine is Baal-Zephon who was a principal mighty one of Ugait or Ras Shamra, and of the Canaanite people who lived in that area of Syria. Israel was given a choice; they could follow Yahweh to their permanent freedom in the Promised land or they could return to enslavement in Egypt with its idol worship, wherein the idolatry of Baal-Zephon was popular.
Ball was also known as the sun idol, Baal-Hannan. He had received the name Hannan, or the “grace”. That is exactly what the Pauline Christians teach, that the manner of spiritual life is all grace. “The law has been done away with the Christ’s death; now, do anything you please” is the teaching of Pauline churchianity.
“The sun, as supreme among the celestial bodies to the astronomers of antiquity, was assigned to the highest of the gods and became symbolic of the supreme authority of the Creator Himself ... Yellow is his color and his power is without end ... The sun thus became a Bull in Taurus and was worshipped as such by the Egyptians under the name of Apis, and by the Assyrians as Bel, Baal, or Bul (John Bull! –rp). In Leo, the sun became a Lion-slayer, Hercules, and an Archer in Sagittarius. In Pices the Fishes, he was a fish -- Dagon, or Vishnu, the fish-god of the Philistines and Hindoos." ["The Secret Teachings of All Ages", by Manly P. Hall, 33° Freemason, p. XLIX]
In 1996 many anchormen and liberal politicians reacted in shocked disbelief to Netanyahu's election, some having to interrupt premature celebrations for the wrong candidate. Minutes after hearing th elections results, U.S. President Clinton was caught on camera uncharacteristically stammering and avoiding eye contact. Seemed none of these had considered that Israel's democracy might not rubber-stamp the Plan for a 'New Middle East'...leave it to those stiffnecked Jews.
Let me quote here a short passage from A. Koestler's The Sleepwalkers: “The dials on the laboratory panels are turning into another version of the shadows in the cave. Our hypnotic enslavement to the numerical aspects of reality has dulled our perception of non-quantitative moral values; the resultant end-justified-the-means ethics may be a major factor in our undoing. Conversely, the example of Plato's obsession with perfect spheres, of Aristotle's arrow propelled by the surrounding air, the 48 epicycles of Canon Koppernigk, and his moral cowardice, Tycho's mania of grandeur, Kepler's sun-spokes, Galileo's confidence tricks, and Descartes' pituitary soul, may have some sobering effect on the worshipers of the new Baal, lording it over the moral vacuum with his electronic brain.”
De revolutionibus over the Bible
On 12 May 1981 Card. Casaroli, in his capacity as Secretary of State sent a highly congratulatory message to Abp. Paul Poupard, lauding the work and thought of Father Teilhard de Chardin whose centenary the Institute of Paris was celebrating. Stato’s message praised “the amazing echo of his research, joined with the radiance of his thought,” all of which “has left a durable mark on his age.”
On 31 July 1981 Pope John Paul II established a study commission to reexamine the entire Galileo case under the leadership of Card. Paul Poupard who, once, together with the French bishops insisted on placing the birthday of K. Marx on the official Church liturgical calendar to be celebrated along with the birthdays and death of the Church’s saints and martyrs.
On Oct. 31 1992 Cardinal Paul Poupard presented the Pontifical Commission’s conclusions in summary from the Pope in the Sala Regia of the Apostolic Palace. The main conclusion of the Commission is printed in italics in the English translation of the cardinal’s speech:
It is in that historical and cultural framework, far removed from our own times, that Galileo’s judges, incapable of dissociating faith from an age-old cosmology, believed, quite wrongly, that the adoption of the Copernican revolution, in fact not yet definitely proven, was such as to undermine Catholic tradition and that it was their duty to forbid its being taught. This subjective error of judgment, so clear to us today, led them to a disciplinary measure from which Galileo ‘had much to suffer’. These mistakes must be frankly recognized, as you, Holy Father, have requested.
In his speech of reply to the members of the Pontifical Academy and other distinguished guests the Pope explained:
The problem posed by theologians of that age was, therefore, that of the compatibility between heliocentrism and scripture. Thus the new science, with its methods and the freedom of research, which they implied, obliged theologians to examine their own criteria of scriptural interpretation. Most of them did not know how to do so.
The Pope caps this with a generous tribute to Galileo the theologian: ‘Paradoxically, Galileo, a sincere believer, showed himself to be more perceptive in this regard than the theologians who opposed him.’
This papal rehabilitation of Galileo will be epitomized by Center of Science: “Kopernik” being built in Warsaw, Poland. A new slogan Scientists of all countries unite will reverberate throughout the learned world and encourage more anti-semitic riots on the campuses. Copernicus plagiarized his theory of the moon from Syrian heliocentric astronomy of Al Shattir’s.
A dove in the shape of swastika is the logo of the French diocese of Arras
The Neonazi Website Wotan – the Sungod sums up the pagan solar theology of Copernicus as follows: “The universe, as a whole, is a spiritually living being – the ultimately supreme God, if you will...The center of our solar system is, of course, the sun. What modern man often overlooks is the fact that the sun is more than the physical center, it is also spiritual center. From the earliest times, man has recognized the various sources of this spiritual energy from the sun, and has expressed this recognition in a process of deification of the natural features of the world and its surroundings. Wotan represent the Teutonic attempt to deify and understand this primary source of spiritual energy...For a Christian, the sun represents a stern but protective Father who will save his worshipers if they will only accept him and his ways...Of all the peoples of the world, the Teutons are alone in having experienced the miraculous and sublime process of evolutionary change that has enabled them to see the sun's energy as alive, evolving and creative. Unfortunately for humanity, Wotan's people lacked the courage of their convictions, they opted for easy road, and accepted Christianity. Now, after centuries of betrayal, hypocrisy and revealed falsehood, his people are rejecting the Judeo-Christian lie and turning to their inner spiritual selves for truth and understanding, and they are finding Wotan. There can be no more impressive demonstration of the creative power of Wotan than this. We stand on the threshold of a new era, and what we see before us is the universe. As we carry the banner of our Sun's spiritual energy (In Hindu tradition this spiritual energy of the sun is called prana) to the farthest galaxies, we can take pride in the knowledge that we are the bringers of the seed of evolution, creativity, honor, and dignity.” Dignity in the pornographic der Stuermer?
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Pope Benedict XVI nixes John Paul II's rehabilitation of evolution
The Darwin Delusion
Catholic Scientists Fighting Back
Peter Wilders
(Posted 05/04/09 For more than a generation in the fourth century, the dogmatic teaching of the Council of Nicea on the divinity of Christ was misinterpreted and perverted so that the majority of Catholic bishops tolerated or taught a false Christology. Something similar is happening in our time in regard to the Magisterial teaching on creation. The dogmatic teaching on creation of the Fourth Lateran Council—as understood for 600 years by the foremost commentators of the Catholic Church, including Doctors of the Church like St. Lawrence of Brindisi—has been given a new, deviant interpretation so as to make it compatible with evolution.[i] On the pretext that the natural sciences confirm the evolutionary hypothesis, the fundamental Catholic doctrines of creation and Original Sin have been set aside—in spite of the fact that breakthroughs in 21st century natural science have fully exposed the bankruptcy of the evolutionary hypothesis.
Today the evolutionary hypothesis is as popular as the Arian Christology in its day—and just as illogical. Indeed, how can there have been a first man Adam who committed the original sin of pride in collusion with the first woman Eve, if he had ancestors going back into the mists of time? How can Adam, the perfect creation of God, have been a grunting Neanderthal or other such hominid species? If he were, the Church has lied and its dogmas have no application to Catholic teaching. Yet, the “credo” of today’s science is that there was a gradual development from a hydrogen particle to man. The notion of a single man created ex nihilo is not envisaged.
As the Catholic Faith is undergirded by its basic doctrine of Original Sin, and this doctrine is the justification inter alia for Redemption, Baptism, and the Immaculate Conception, the Faith falls without them. Those mainstays of our religion, however, are now challenged on a daily basis within the Church. We have a Mass structured upon Tradition, but examination reveals it is a Tradition that has been fundamentally disabled. In a methodological way Original Sin has had its meaning removed and replaced by another. All the dependent doctrines have necessarily been affected.
Let it be clear. All speculation on Adam having had ancestors, in any form whatsoever, negates the teaching Magisterium of the Church. Of course there will be protests, but either the Church teaches truth or it has no place as the representative of Christ. The Church teaches definitively, (de fide), that in the beginning God created all things visible and invisible at the same time (“simul,” or “at once”) from nothing (Lateran IV). “At the same time” refers to the period of time during which all created things were brought into existence. It was the period immediately preceding the production of those laws governing the created things, and without which they could not exist other than by God’s Omnipotent Power. These include all natural laws such as thermodynamics, gravity and aerodynamics.
Simple reflection on the Council teaching of Lateran IV shows that no new beings or prototypes were produced after the natural laws governing their reproduction and maintenance were in place. If words have any meaning at all it follows that all created forms of life came before the natural laws which evolutionary science claims were instrumental in their production.
The astonishing situation within the Church today is that science is making claims that have no proof in flagrant opposition to the Church’s teaching. The Church hierarchy not only tolerates this but confirms it.
Students are taught systematically in Catholic colleges and seminaries that they descended ultimately from inanimate matter which itself descended from hydrogen gas. This pure speculation is not only without a shred of empirical proof, but in total contradiction to Christ’s teaching. Catholics (and most others!) around the world have come to believe it as if it were a message from God Himself. Unfortunately, this is no exaggeration and represents the greatest tragedy ever to befall the Church throughout her long history—the calamity of all calamities; our Faith reduced to a Darwinist caricature of itself! A mandate to teach all nations the good news: used to announce that our ancestors were apes evolved over time from methane gas?
By way of comparison, one can ask how it was that all those citizens of the USSR managed to conform to a regime that taught there was no God. To start with, the objectors were exterminated, but as time went on new generations became conditioned to the idea and accepted it. As frightful as the situation was, the extent of the evil was contained and eventually overcome. The world learned a lesson from such extremism. The possibility that Communist ideology could mutate slightly and go global was unthinkable. Yet that mutation, as if by the wave of a magic wand, has occurred. Now, in contrast to the practice of atheistic Communist regimes, the global elites who control the mainstream media and academia recognize a god—not the God of the Bible, however, but a fabricated one, a sort of imitation: not unlike a golden calf.
One has to pinch oneself to realise that this is true. A global church organisation continues to exist, and the sacraments continue to be offered. But they are administered by many prelates and clergy who have lost their faith in the fundamentals of the Catholic religion. Traditional Catholics know that something is very wrong, but many attribute the crisis to problems with the liturgy, catechetics, materialism, even evolution—but never to the underlying reason, which is that the Catholic Faith has been sabotaged by errors concerning the origins of man and the universe, introduced under the guise of natural science. Traditional Catholics cannot bring themselves to believe that so many natural scientists could be wrong—not to mention so many cardinals and bishops. So the situation continues.
Of course, there are those who have learned how it all happened and who know that the cancer has been identified, but it is so far advanced that those with any power either secular or religious are so overwhelmed by the magnitude of the problem that they throw up their hands in despair and defer to the crushing weight of the majority. If the entire religious and scientific establishments are in opposition, it would seem to be pea-shooting at a tank to challenge the status quo. When it is apparently a pure waste of time, no one says anything. That is where we are today. The powers of darkness appear well and truly to have won.
Notwithstanding all this gloom, ironically there is a very bright light at the end of the black, black tunnel. Perhaps it’s St. Michael’s gleaming armour. The fact is, providentially, the means of turning the disaster into victory have never been greater. Being aware of the drama is the first step (after all, from one man came all mankind). The scientific explanation of the origin of the cosmos has a well concealed Achilles’ heel. The flaw is the element of time. Time is used by the evolutionist as if it were an ingredient in a compound mixture. Of course, it is nothing of the kind. It is no more than a means of measuring movement. Two molecules of hydrogen mixed with one of oxygen produce water. The process can be measured by time but time is not an ingredient in the end product of water. Yet the myth has built up that given enough time the most impossible things can happen: dinosaurs changing into birds, cows into whales. [In fact, due to the Second Law of Thermodynamics the opposite is the case: with time entropy increases.]
Then there are those millions of years of time. Evolution is said to be observable in the fossil record. If one examines rock strata different kinds of fossils can be seen which are believed to show an evolution of species. The strata are dated primarily by the geological time-scale which affirms that strata lower down in a rock formation are older than those superposed higher up: often by millions of years. This principle of superposition has been taught since Nicolas Stenon, a naturalist clergyman from Scandinavia, published a book in 1669 (Prodromus) on his geological observations. It was never tested in the laboratory until recently when it was shown to be incorrect as a standard principle. You see, in the 17th century hydraulic laboratories for doing experiments were not available. When they were, it was too late, because superposition and other allied principles had been absorbed into the geological paradigm welcomed with open arms by materialist geologists because it gave them all the time they needed for their millions of years of evolution to take place: but the principle was shown to be wrong.
The experimental results published by the Russian Academy of Sciences demonstrated three significant facts: 1. strata do not form successively: 2. the lower strata are not necessarily older than those above, in many instances they are in reverse order, i.e. the higher strata are older than the lower; 3. strata sequences form rapidly and many of the fossilised organisms in them could have lived relatively contemporaneously. These facts have been confirmed by field analyses.[ii]
This fundamental research in stratigraphy adds to all the work in other disciplines associated with evolution: biology, chemistry, radiometry, physics, astronomy and so on. The overwhelming evidence against the hydrogen to man theory of origins makes one wonder how it is that our youth can continue to be indoctrinated with nothing more than evolutionary speculations financed by tax-payers money.
For over 150 years, without the slightest proof, the State has been obliging schools to teach what amounts to a materialist philosophy. They have been systematically teaching that God is the delusion explained to them by Oxford University Professor Richard Dawkin’s ‘et al’. The Church hierarchy has been led into denying the fundamentals of the faith they were ordained to teach. The colossal cost in terms of the souls lost by them over all that time is known to the Almighty alone.
The reason that members of the educational elite leave university convinced of the acceptability of an unproved naturalistic theory is simply because the scientific arguments against it are not allowed to be heard.
Unfortunately, the Protestant fundamentalist creationist movement carries some of the blame, because of its insistence upon mixing biblical arguments with scientific ones. The fact is it is rare to read an article from a Protestant source critiquing evolution that has not at least one biblical citation. Catholics, who have joined creationists as a way of expressing their concern over evolution, have ended up compromising themselves with Protestant interpretations of the Bible. Either way, joining forces with creationists or following their formula but acting alone, Catholics automatically distance themselves from dialogue with the scientific community and from the Church. They are obviously not in a win-win situation, and perhaps doing more harm than good.
Scientists within the Church who oppose evolution have been trying to remedy this weakness. They have held two conferences in Rome over the last six months, most recently the “Scientific Critique of Evolution” conference was held on November 3, 2008, at Sapienza University, Rome, the details of which can be found at: They are planning others. The conference participants include highly qualified teaching and research scientists, none of whom rely on biblical references. Of course they are snubbed by the scientific community and the media, but for once they are presenting in a university setting the long withheld proof of the impossibility of naturalistic origins, and the proceedings of their conferences are being published.[iii]
Any one who reads these reflections who still believes that the problems facing the Church can be understood apart from the central conflict between a naturalistic account of origins and the Church’s dogmatic teaching on creation is, in the writer’s view, not facing up to reality. The most devout spiritual Lenten retreats preached by today’s greatest theologians can do nothing to alleviate the current crisis of faith unless the faithful wake up to what is happening and act accordingly. Does not St Paul’s charge (1. Cor. 13; 1-3) that faith without charity is a noisy gong or clanging cymbal evoke a comparison with the emptiness of faith in Christ without faith in His teaching on Creation?
[i] Cf. Peter Wilders and Hugh Owen, Creation and Time (Diocese of Abakaliki, Nigeria: 2007), imprimatur, Bishop Michael Okoro.
[ii] Cf. Guy Berthault, ”Time Required for Sedimentation Contradicts the Evolutionary Hypothesis” (Rome: Sapienza University, 2008). This cutting edge research in sedimentology can also be examined at
[iii] Cf. “A Scientific Critique of Evolution,” November 3, 2008, Sapienza University, Rome,
Press Release
World-Renowned Scientists to Present Facts Against Evolution at Conference in Rome
Participants Answer Pope Benedict’s Call for Truth and Tolerance in Evolution DebateFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEOCTOBER 27, 2008 CONTACT: H. M. OWEN, howen@shentel.netor PETER WILDERS,
BRYCE, VA – Top scientists in the fields of biology, geophysics, geology, genetics, and other disciplines, will present scientific facts against the theory of evolution at Sapienza University’s Pathology Amphitheatre, Umberto Policlinico, in Rome, Italy, on Nov. 3, from 9:30AM to 5:00PM. Admission is free.The scientists who will speak at the Sapienza University conference agree with Nobel Prize-winning biochemist Sir Ernst Chain, who said that evolution was an "hypothesis based on no evidence and irreconcilable with the facts." The conference, “A Scientific Critique of Evolution,” is being held in response to Cardinal Ratzinger’s (now Pope Benedict XVI) appeal in his book Truth and Tolerance that arguments for and against evolution should be heard with objectivity – “a willingness to listen by both sides.” The conference coincides with one being held by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, which refused to allow the scientists with evidence against the theory of evolution to participate in their event. The scientists participating in the conference at Sapienza University are not creationists. They represent thousands of world-renowned scientists whose evidence against evolution is often downplayed or ignored by academics who support evolution. The conference speakers will include: In sedimentology, Guy Berthault, a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique and a member of the French Geological Society and the Association of Sedimentologists. In biology, Pierre Rabischong, previous dean of the Montpelier Medical University. In genetics, Maciej Giertych, a population geneticist who holds an M.A. in forestry from Oxford University in England, a Ph. D. in tree physiology from Toronto University, Canada, and a D.Sc. in genetics from the Agricultural Academy in Poznan, Poland. Josef Holzschuh, a geophysicist with a Ph.D. from the University of Sydney, Australia. And, in radiometric dating, Jean de Pontcharra, head of the research group CEA-LETI (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique, Laboratoire d'Electronique et de Technologie de l'Informatique). Arguments against evolution are rarely heard because academic institutions tend to restrict their presentations to data that support the theory of evolution. For example, recent laboratory tests have shown that stratified sedimentary rocks, containing fossils alleged to prove evolution, formed very quickly – not over extended periods of time as evolutionists contend. The tests were conducted by conference speaker Guy Berthault, and published by the Russian Academy of Sciences. A paleohydraulic analysis in the field, accompanying Berthault’s tests, showed that major rock formations deposited in 0.01% of the time attributed to them by the geological time-scale.
According to Dr. Dominique Tassot, President of the French Centre d’Etudes et de Prospectif sur la Science, “The conference speakers will draw from three great new bodies of evidence that have swept through the scientific landscape of the last few decades, the consequences of which have not been sufficiently integrated into the practice and teaching of science.” To schedule an interview, contact H. M. Owen (540-856-8453), or Peter Wilders (33 660 056 971), Visit the conference web site at Abstracts of the speakers’ presentations are attached.
Catholic Scientists Fighting Back
Peter Wilders
(Posted 05/04/09 For more than a generation in the fourth century, the dogmatic teaching of the Council of Nicea on the divinity of Christ was misinterpreted and perverted so that the majority of Catholic bishops tolerated or taught a false Christology. Something similar is happening in our time in regard to the Magisterial teaching on creation. The dogmatic teaching on creation of the Fourth Lateran Council—as understood for 600 years by the foremost commentators of the Catholic Church, including Doctors of the Church like St. Lawrence of Brindisi—has been given a new, deviant interpretation so as to make it compatible with evolution.[i] On the pretext that the natural sciences confirm the evolutionary hypothesis, the fundamental Catholic doctrines of creation and Original Sin have been set aside—in spite of the fact that breakthroughs in 21st century natural science have fully exposed the bankruptcy of the evolutionary hypothesis.
Today the evolutionary hypothesis is as popular as the Arian Christology in its day—and just as illogical. Indeed, how can there have been a first man Adam who committed the original sin of pride in collusion with the first woman Eve, if he had ancestors going back into the mists of time? How can Adam, the perfect creation of God, have been a grunting Neanderthal or other such hominid species? If he were, the Church has lied and its dogmas have no application to Catholic teaching. Yet, the “credo” of today’s science is that there was a gradual development from a hydrogen particle to man. The notion of a single man created ex nihilo is not envisaged.
As the Catholic Faith is undergirded by its basic doctrine of Original Sin, and this doctrine is the justification inter alia for Redemption, Baptism, and the Immaculate Conception, the Faith falls without them. Those mainstays of our religion, however, are now challenged on a daily basis within the Church. We have a Mass structured upon Tradition, but examination reveals it is a Tradition that has been fundamentally disabled. In a methodological way Original Sin has had its meaning removed and replaced by another. All the dependent doctrines have necessarily been affected.
Let it be clear. All speculation on Adam having had ancestors, in any form whatsoever, negates the teaching Magisterium of the Church. Of course there will be protests, but either the Church teaches truth or it has no place as the representative of Christ. The Church teaches definitively, (de fide), that in the beginning God created all things visible and invisible at the same time (“simul,” or “at once”) from nothing (Lateran IV). “At the same time” refers to the period of time during which all created things were brought into existence. It was the period immediately preceding the production of those laws governing the created things, and without which they could not exist other than by God’s Omnipotent Power. These include all natural laws such as thermodynamics, gravity and aerodynamics.
Simple reflection on the Council teaching of Lateran IV shows that no new beings or prototypes were produced after the natural laws governing their reproduction and maintenance were in place. If words have any meaning at all it follows that all created forms of life came before the natural laws which evolutionary science claims were instrumental in their production.
The astonishing situation within the Church today is that science is making claims that have no proof in flagrant opposition to the Church’s teaching. The Church hierarchy not only tolerates this but confirms it.
Students are taught systematically in Catholic colleges and seminaries that they descended ultimately from inanimate matter which itself descended from hydrogen gas. This pure speculation is not only without a shred of empirical proof, but in total contradiction to Christ’s teaching. Catholics (and most others!) around the world have come to believe it as if it were a message from God Himself. Unfortunately, this is no exaggeration and represents the greatest tragedy ever to befall the Church throughout her long history—the calamity of all calamities; our Faith reduced to a Darwinist caricature of itself! A mandate to teach all nations the good news: used to announce that our ancestors were apes evolved over time from methane gas?
By way of comparison, one can ask how it was that all those citizens of the USSR managed to conform to a regime that taught there was no God. To start with, the objectors were exterminated, but as time went on new generations became conditioned to the idea and accepted it. As frightful as the situation was, the extent of the evil was contained and eventually overcome. The world learned a lesson from such extremism. The possibility that Communist ideology could mutate slightly and go global was unthinkable. Yet that mutation, as if by the wave of a magic wand, has occurred. Now, in contrast to the practice of atheistic Communist regimes, the global elites who control the mainstream media and academia recognize a god—not the God of the Bible, however, but a fabricated one, a sort of imitation: not unlike a golden calf.
One has to pinch oneself to realise that this is true. A global church organisation continues to exist, and the sacraments continue to be offered. But they are administered by many prelates and clergy who have lost their faith in the fundamentals of the Catholic religion. Traditional Catholics know that something is very wrong, but many attribute the crisis to problems with the liturgy, catechetics, materialism, even evolution—but never to the underlying reason, which is that the Catholic Faith has been sabotaged by errors concerning the origins of man and the universe, introduced under the guise of natural science. Traditional Catholics cannot bring themselves to believe that so many natural scientists could be wrong—not to mention so many cardinals and bishops. So the situation continues.
Of course, there are those who have learned how it all happened and who know that the cancer has been identified, but it is so far advanced that those with any power either secular or religious are so overwhelmed by the magnitude of the problem that they throw up their hands in despair and defer to the crushing weight of the majority. If the entire religious and scientific establishments are in opposition, it would seem to be pea-shooting at a tank to challenge the status quo. When it is apparently a pure waste of time, no one says anything. That is where we are today. The powers of darkness appear well and truly to have won.
Notwithstanding all this gloom, ironically there is a very bright light at the end of the black, black tunnel. Perhaps it’s St. Michael’s gleaming armour. The fact is, providentially, the means of turning the disaster into victory have never been greater. Being aware of the drama is the first step (after all, from one man came all mankind). The scientific explanation of the origin of the cosmos has a well concealed Achilles’ heel. The flaw is the element of time. Time is used by the evolutionist as if it were an ingredient in a compound mixture. Of course, it is nothing of the kind. It is no more than a means of measuring movement. Two molecules of hydrogen mixed with one of oxygen produce water. The process can be measured by time but time is not an ingredient in the end product of water. Yet the myth has built up that given enough time the most impossible things can happen: dinosaurs changing into birds, cows into whales. [In fact, due to the Second Law of Thermodynamics the opposite is the case: with time entropy increases.]
Then there are those millions of years of time. Evolution is said to be observable in the fossil record. If one examines rock strata different kinds of fossils can be seen which are believed to show an evolution of species. The strata are dated primarily by the geological time-scale which affirms that strata lower down in a rock formation are older than those superposed higher up: often by millions of years. This principle of superposition has been taught since Nicolas Stenon, a naturalist clergyman from Scandinavia, published a book in 1669 (Prodromus) on his geological observations. It was never tested in the laboratory until recently when it was shown to be incorrect as a standard principle. You see, in the 17th century hydraulic laboratories for doing experiments were not available. When they were, it was too late, because superposition and other allied principles had been absorbed into the geological paradigm welcomed with open arms by materialist geologists because it gave them all the time they needed for their millions of years of evolution to take place: but the principle was shown to be wrong.
The experimental results published by the Russian Academy of Sciences demonstrated three significant facts: 1. strata do not form successively: 2. the lower strata are not necessarily older than those above, in many instances they are in reverse order, i.e. the higher strata are older than the lower; 3. strata sequences form rapidly and many of the fossilised organisms in them could have lived relatively contemporaneously. These facts have been confirmed by field analyses.[ii]
This fundamental research in stratigraphy adds to all the work in other disciplines associated with evolution: biology, chemistry, radiometry, physics, astronomy and so on. The overwhelming evidence against the hydrogen to man theory of origins makes one wonder how it is that our youth can continue to be indoctrinated with nothing more than evolutionary speculations financed by tax-payers money.
For over 150 years, without the slightest proof, the State has been obliging schools to teach what amounts to a materialist philosophy. They have been systematically teaching that God is the delusion explained to them by Oxford University Professor Richard Dawkin’s ‘et al’. The Church hierarchy has been led into denying the fundamentals of the faith they were ordained to teach. The colossal cost in terms of the souls lost by them over all that time is known to the Almighty alone.
The reason that members of the educational elite leave university convinced of the acceptability of an unproved naturalistic theory is simply because the scientific arguments against it are not allowed to be heard.
Unfortunately, the Protestant fundamentalist creationist movement carries some of the blame, because of its insistence upon mixing biblical arguments with scientific ones. The fact is it is rare to read an article from a Protestant source critiquing evolution that has not at least one biblical citation. Catholics, who have joined creationists as a way of expressing their concern over evolution, have ended up compromising themselves with Protestant interpretations of the Bible. Either way, joining forces with creationists or following their formula but acting alone, Catholics automatically distance themselves from dialogue with the scientific community and from the Church. They are obviously not in a win-win situation, and perhaps doing more harm than good.
Scientists within the Church who oppose evolution have been trying to remedy this weakness. They have held two conferences in Rome over the last six months, most recently the “Scientific Critique of Evolution” conference was held on November 3, 2008, at Sapienza University, Rome, the details of which can be found at: They are planning others. The conference participants include highly qualified teaching and research scientists, none of whom rely on biblical references. Of course they are snubbed by the scientific community and the media, but for once they are presenting in a university setting the long withheld proof of the impossibility of naturalistic origins, and the proceedings of their conferences are being published.[iii]
Any one who reads these reflections who still believes that the problems facing the Church can be understood apart from the central conflict between a naturalistic account of origins and the Church’s dogmatic teaching on creation is, in the writer’s view, not facing up to reality. The most devout spiritual Lenten retreats preached by today’s greatest theologians can do nothing to alleviate the current crisis of faith unless the faithful wake up to what is happening and act accordingly. Does not St Paul’s charge (1. Cor. 13; 1-3) that faith without charity is a noisy gong or clanging cymbal evoke a comparison with the emptiness of faith in Christ without faith in His teaching on Creation?
[i] Cf. Peter Wilders and Hugh Owen, Creation and Time (Diocese of Abakaliki, Nigeria: 2007), imprimatur, Bishop Michael Okoro.
[ii] Cf. Guy Berthault, ”Time Required for Sedimentation Contradicts the Evolutionary Hypothesis” (Rome: Sapienza University, 2008). This cutting edge research in sedimentology can also be examined at
[iii] Cf. “A Scientific Critique of Evolution,” November 3, 2008, Sapienza University, Rome,
Press Release
World-Renowned Scientists to Present Facts Against Evolution at Conference in Rome
Participants Answer Pope Benedict’s Call for Truth and Tolerance in Evolution DebateFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEOCTOBER 27, 2008 CONTACT: H. M. OWEN, howen@shentel.netor PETER WILDERS,
BRYCE, VA – Top scientists in the fields of biology, geophysics, geology, genetics, and other disciplines, will present scientific facts against the theory of evolution at Sapienza University’s Pathology Amphitheatre, Umberto Policlinico, in Rome, Italy, on Nov. 3, from 9:30AM to 5:00PM. Admission is free.The scientists who will speak at the Sapienza University conference agree with Nobel Prize-winning biochemist Sir Ernst Chain, who said that evolution was an "hypothesis based on no evidence and irreconcilable with the facts." The conference, “A Scientific Critique of Evolution,” is being held in response to Cardinal Ratzinger’s (now Pope Benedict XVI) appeal in his book Truth and Tolerance that arguments for and against evolution should be heard with objectivity – “a willingness to listen by both sides.” The conference coincides with one being held by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, which refused to allow the scientists with evidence against the theory of evolution to participate in their event. The scientists participating in the conference at Sapienza University are not creationists. They represent thousands of world-renowned scientists whose evidence against evolution is often downplayed or ignored by academics who support evolution. The conference speakers will include: In sedimentology, Guy Berthault, a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique and a member of the French Geological Society and the Association of Sedimentologists. In biology, Pierre Rabischong, previous dean of the Montpelier Medical University. In genetics, Maciej Giertych, a population geneticist who holds an M.A. in forestry from Oxford University in England, a Ph. D. in tree physiology from Toronto University, Canada, and a D.Sc. in genetics from the Agricultural Academy in Poznan, Poland. Josef Holzschuh, a geophysicist with a Ph.D. from the University of Sydney, Australia. And, in radiometric dating, Jean de Pontcharra, head of the research group CEA-LETI (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique, Laboratoire d'Electronique et de Technologie de l'Informatique). Arguments against evolution are rarely heard because academic institutions tend to restrict their presentations to data that support the theory of evolution. For example, recent laboratory tests have shown that stratified sedimentary rocks, containing fossils alleged to prove evolution, formed very quickly – not over extended periods of time as evolutionists contend. The tests were conducted by conference speaker Guy Berthault, and published by the Russian Academy of Sciences. A paleohydraulic analysis in the field, accompanying Berthault’s tests, showed that major rock formations deposited in 0.01% of the time attributed to them by the geological time-scale.
According to Dr. Dominique Tassot, President of the French Centre d’Etudes et de Prospectif sur la Science, “The conference speakers will draw from three great new bodies of evidence that have swept through the scientific landscape of the last few decades, the consequences of which have not been sufficiently integrated into the practice and teaching of science.” To schedule an interview, contact H. M. Owen (540-856-8453), or Peter Wilders (33 660 056 971), Visit the conference web site at Abstracts of the speakers’ presentations are attached.
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